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Military版 - 又一个骗子神童
方舟子美国专利真相调查(ZT) (转载)泰国南部跟新疆很相似
25岁教师sexual contact 15岁autistic 逃亡香港 ZT华盛顿邮报(转贴)两伊战争中的空战
此华女强悍!性侵15岁男孩,畏罪潜逃!about Darfur
涉性侵15岁自闭男 马里兰州华裔女教师畏罪潜逃“幻影”斗“雄猫”的较量:两伊空战实录zz
双鸭山 (孙逸仙)CNN 又在sell普世价值了
陈大巍 丝路小学徒lol 美分党被抓了
话题: ard话题: site话题: 305话题: waset
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2607
【14岁娃收到8个国际会议邀请 谈高中数学:弱爆了】。骗的也太不专业了。
/journals/waset/v71/v71-350.pdf 这什么山寨会议。
发帖数: 419
Joint Mathematics Meetings Invited Addresses:
Joint Mathematics Meetings Other Invited Addresses:
Joint Mathematics Meetings Presenters
发帖数: 6760
发帖数: 419
WASET is a very stylish site, also it impresses with its content: links
with international refereed journals, international conferences that
organized almost in every subject... But if you delve into the issue a bit,
you learn that this site only shows as if your paper was published in a
journal which it is not, and it also shows like as if you attended the
international conferences, which you didn't. He or she who plunks their
money can add them to his/her CV and becomes a associate professor or a
Actually what is done is simple: lets assume that it is time for your
associate professorship or professorship. There is no way that it will occur
automatically, you have to attend conferences or publish papers in refereed
journals, so you can add these to your CV. Although there are 25.000
refereed journal in the world, you are not the type who bothers him/herself,
you benefit enough from the culture of “is not there an easy way to do
this, bro'?”
The “World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology” which can be
found at http://waset.org is such a site. When you get into it, you come across a stylish, serious page. Information given, offered programs are kind of that can't be disregarded. This site, allows you to add “articles published in international refereed journals and international conferences” to your CV for a fee.
The site is backed by former science teacher Cemal Ardıl, his daugter
Ebru Ardıl, and his son Bora Ardıl is also helping him. These
names are very interesting. Science teacher for twenty years Cemal Ardı
l introduced himself as Dr/PhD, and because of this TÜBİTAK [The
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey] chair Prof. Nüket
Yetiş opened a investigation about him in ethical committee. After that
because of using the name TÜBİTAK without permission, she gave
them a notarized protest certificate. Also TÜBİTAK withdrew
support from Çanakkale 18 Mart University until bogus conference, bogus
journal problem could be solved. But they continued with their activity.
Guess who is the one with most articles in WASET? Cemal Ardıl with 46
articles is the one with most articles. But we couldn't reach the Ardıl
family. Probably because they know that we are investigating, they closed
the “contact us” section of the site. All other methods we used for
reaching them also failed.
First who pointed out this issue is A. Murat Eren from NTV Science Magazine.
Eren, who is also a academic, gives interesting information about site's
scope: “It is a widely known fact that there is a disproportion between
publication and citation counts in Turkey, also how academics gets on staff
by which kind of publications in provincial universities (small, country
universities). This site allows people to publish by money, in fact who
couldn't publish their works in another way (channel, course). Academics,
who collects a few hundred euros, easily publish in WASET, without bothering
himself/herself with complicated scientific process. Who pludges the money,
climbs the stairs of academic life two by two. If published thousands
articles, organized tens of conferences are thought, it can be seen that it
is a really profitable business. When everybody wins, unfortunately science
is losing.”
发帖数: 16947


【在 A***W 的大作中提到】
: 看看他那文章是在什么野鸡“国际会议”野鸡“杂志”上的:
: http://copy-shake-paste.blogspot.com/2012/06/turkish-mock-confe
: WASET is a very stylish site, also it impresses with its content: links
: with international refereed journals, international conferences that
: organized almost in every subject... But if you delve into the issue a bit,
: you learn that this site only shows as if your paper was published in a
: journal which it is not, and it also shows like as if you attended the
: international conferences, which you didn't. He or she who plunks their
: money can add them to his/her CV and becomes a associate professor or a
: professor.

1 (共1页)
lol 美分党被抓了“库尔德自由之鹰”组织宣称对土耳其致200人死伤袭击负责(zz)
一个高一女生的呐喊双鸭山 (孙逸仙)
红歌进京:29家外国记者震精陈大巍 丝路小学徒
方舟子美国专利真相调查(ZT) (转载)泰国南部跟新疆很相似
25岁教师sexual contact 15岁autistic 逃亡香港 ZT华盛顿邮报(转贴)两伊战争中的空战
此华女强悍!性侵15岁男孩,畏罪潜逃!about Darfur
涉性侵15岁自闭男 马里兰州华裔女教师畏罪潜逃“幻影”斗“雄猫”的较量:两伊空战实录zz
话题: ard话题: site话题: 305话题: waset