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Military版 - US army has new medals to computer/hacker soldiers
美国奥委会的开支o8赶紧给小波Congressional Gold Medal
TIME得瑟:这次不用争,奥运美国第一大利军人很猛啊,拿了medal of honor
美国的确牛逼,出了个杨佳也是兰博级别的obama今天口吐莲花,又把死人给说活了 (转载)
2015 IMO, IPhO, IChO英国皇家学会向温家宝授予“查理二世国王奖”
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IMO 2010美国队第三china is the loser this time "International Mathematical O
话题: us话题: combat话题: medal话题: medals话题: panetta
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 901
US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has announced the Pentagon would create
new medals to recognize the battlefield contributions of American soldiers,
who launch the drone strikes and direct the cyber attacks that can kill or
disable an enemy, without even setting foot in the combat zone
The new medal will be the first combat-related award to be created in the US
since the Bronze Star in 1944, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.
Panetta said he has seen firsthand how modern tools, like remotely piloted
platforms and cyber systems, have changed the way wars are fought and they'
ve given their men and women the ability to engage the enemy and change the
course of battle, from afar."
Panetta added the work they do does contribute to the success of combat
operations, particularly when they remove the enemy from the field of battle
, even if those actions are physically removed from the fight.
The new blue, red and white-ribboned Distinguished Warfare Medal will be
awarded to individuals for 'extraordinary achievement' related to a military
operation that occurred after September 11, 2001, the paper reported.
However, unlike other combat medals, this does not require that the
recipient risks his or her life to get it. Officials said the new medal
would be the first combat-related award to be created in the US since the
Bronze Star in 1944, the paper said.
The medal is a brass pendant, nearly two-inches tall, with a laurel wreath
that circles a globe. There is an eagle in the centre. The ribbon has blue,
red and white stripes, the paper added. (ANI)
1 (共1页)
china is the loser this time "International Mathematical O2015 IMO, IPhO, IChO
霉菌声称他们终于找到了猛禽F-22飞行员缺氧的原因请教medal parade是什么意思?
中国金牌第一美国别鸡巴不服气IMO 2010美国队第三
美国奥委会的开支o8赶紧给小波Congressional Gold Medal
TIME得瑟:这次不用争,奥运美国第一大利军人很猛啊,拿了medal of honor
美国的确牛逼,出了个杨佳也是兰博级别的obama今天口吐莲花,又把死人给说活了 (转载)
话题: us话题: combat话题: medal话题: medals话题: panetta