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Military版 - 马州富豪按摩卖淫女被抓
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话题: zhang话题: county话题: baltimore话题: police话题: towson
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【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: rocok (Roc), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 马州富豪卖淫女被抓
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 15 10:55:59 2014, 美东)
马州富豪女作拥两百万豪宅卖淫女-张迪(Di Zhang)被抓
Di Zhang, the Towson woman whose arrest for allegedly operating a brothel on
East Joppa Road sparked federal efforts to seize nearly $2 million worth of
her real estate, has been arrested on prostitution and human trafficking
charges in Montgomery County.
Zhang, 43, was awaiting trial on similar charges stemming from a March 2013
raid of her massage parlor, Jade Heart Health, when police said she was
caught receiving money from a prostitute working in a Montgomery County
motel in February.
The new arrest could affect talks to settle the Baltimore County criminal
charges, as well as a federal civil forfeiture case to seize four houses and
an office building that the U.S. attorney's office says were purchased by
Zhang and a co-owner with the proceeds from prostitution.
Towson prostitution arrest leads government to try to seize assets
Towson prostitution arrest leads government to try to seize assets
County, federal agents close in on alleged Towson brothel County,
federal agents close in on alleged Towson brothel
Massage parlor arrest highlights trafficking problem Massage parlor
arrest highlights trafficking problem
In a letter to the federal judge hearing the civil forfeiture case, U.S.
Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein wrote that, according to Robert Biddle, one of
the lawyers representing the property owners, "the plea agreement in the
related Baltimore County criminal case has fallen apart."
"Also, we learned that … the defendant in the related criminal case was
arrested recently in Montgomery County for a similar offense," Rosenstein
wrote Feb. 28. He added that "we still feel that we are making progress
toward a resolution" of the forfeiture case.
Brian Thompson, Zhang's attorney in the Baltimore County case, denied that
the new arrest has "changed anything."
"We are in active plea discussion with the state's attorney," Thompson said.
"The state hasn't changed its plea offer. My client maintains her innocence
but is — as any criminal defendant should — going to listen to what the
government has to offer."
The Baltimore County state's attorney's office, Biddle and another attorney
listed as representing Zhang in the Montgomery County case did not return
calls for comment.
According to charging documents, police were called to the Red Roof Inn in
Gaithersburg on Feb. 6 for an unrelated matter and were told about a woman
believed to be working as a prostitute in one of the rooms. The woman told
police she was a prostitute working for someone she knew as "Wendy,"
according to the documents filed in Montgomery County District Court. On Feb
. 10, the woman told police that Wendy would be coming to pick up money from
her that morning, the documents said.
Police said they photographed the $1,260 the woman was going to give to
Zhang, who arrived at the hotel in a van driven by a man. The pair went into
the woman's motel room, and when they returned to the van were approached
by police, according to the documents. Police said they found the $1,260
they had photographed earlier, additional cash and cellphones whose phone
numbers were linked to ads offering prostitutes in Pennsylvania.
Zhang was arrested and released after posting a $40,000 bond. On Feb. 12,
Baltimore County prosecutors moved to revoke her bail in the Towson case and
issued a warrant for her arrest. But a Circuit Court judge reinstated the
bail, and Zhang remains free pending a trial scheduled for April, Thompson
The new charges against Zhang are the latest on a criminal record that dates
back more than 10 years. Previous arrests on charges of prostitution and
human trafficking generally resulted in suspended sentences or decisions not
to prosecute.
More recently, though, police warned Zhang that if she continued operating a
prostitution business, she could face federal prosecution. In March 2013,
local and federal agents raided Jade Heart Health and arrested her.
According to documents filed in the property forfeiture case, bank accounts
in the name of Zhang and one of her businesses received hundreds of
thousands of dollars in deposits over the course of about a year, but police
could find no other source of income other than "the prostitution business.
" Zhang's bank account also received cash deposits and wire transfers from
China, the documents said. Money from those accounts was among the funds
used to buy the five buildings in North Baltimore that are the target of the
civil forfeiture case.
Zhang, who received an MBA from the University of Baltimore in 2001, also
was listed in Securities and Exchange Commission documents as having an
interest in a company that conducted millions of dollars of business in
China, The Baltimore Sun reported in September.
Zhang was listed as a corporate officer of Landmark Energy Enterprise, whose
SEC filings listed the same Joppa Road address as the massage parlor. The
company said in the filings that it had agreed in 2010 to pay $2.78 million
for the patents and assets of a company in China.
Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-di-zhang-update-20140
1 (共1页)
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话题: zhang话题: county话题: baltimore话题: police话题: towson