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Military版 - Ebola -- 6 THOUGHTS to Consider
美中西部夏季流感爆发温家宝啃放射西红柿 -- 要围观的快来! (转载)
Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?太诡异了 - 房间里的大象
ISIS将派埃博拉病毒感染队员到美国杀人美新一代GPS已进攻坚阶段 领先中俄欧
话题: ebola话题: bsl话题: us话题: government话题: tptb
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 929
6 THOUGHTS to Consider
Can you think for yourself or do you need the government on their nationally
syndicated brainwashing networks to tell you what to think? It's OK. You
can go back to your regularly scheduled programming if you like. However,
for the few that are awake here are a few things to consider...
(1) US Government owns US Patent on Ebola. See for yourself at the US Patent
office... http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi...
(2) The news tells us that Ebola is only contagious through body contact.
HOWEVER - the Government tells a different story on their CDC website... http://www.cdc.gov/training/qu...
Tab 8 Reads: “... BSL-3, the microbes there can be either indigenous or
exotic, and they can cause serious or potentially lethal disease through
respiratory transmission. Respiratory transmission is the inhalation route
of exposure.”
Tab 10 Reads: “The microbes in a BSL-4 lab are dangerous and exotic, posing
a high risk of aerosol-transmitted infections. Infections caused by these
microbes are frequently fatal and without treatment or vaccines. Two
examples of microbes worked with in a BSL-4 laboratory include Ebola and
Marburg viruses.”
IIF BSL-3 is leathal how much more lethal is BSL-4 [Ebola] ?
(3) Just like our government "told the truth" about the Malaysian airliner
getting shot down do you expect them to tell you the truth about Ebola being
launched to cover the financial collapse?
Glenn Thomas, a leading consultant in Geneva and an expert in Ebola Virus,
was on board the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines when it went "missing." How
Glenn Thomas was the coordinator of the media and was involved in the
investigations that were bringing to light the issue of trial operations of
Ebola virus in the laboratory of biological weapons at the Hospital in
Kenema. [He was going to blow the whistle but never got the chance.]
Bill and Melinda Gates also have connections with this biological lab in
Required reading for those who like to use logic...
4) TPTB need something to blame when the Financial Crash is ushered in.
With Ebola in the streets people will be confined to their homes. This will
make Marshall Law much easier to swallow and people will not want to “fight
” in the streets for fear of dying from Ebola.
5) Possibly TPTB will use Ebola as a cover for forcing the world into a
digital monetary system.
After all, who would want to exchange gold/silver or paper money making you
more prone to catching Ebola? And if we are to be quarantined how else will
you be able to pay your bills?
6) There appear to be 2 Vaccines. One for TPTB and one for us... http://www.thecommonsenseshow....
Whether Ebola is real, man made, or simply a False Flag – it does not
matter. The one thing we do know is that our government will never let a
good crisis go to waste. We can bet TPTB are planning on forcing all of us
to get their bio-weaponized vaccinations and forcing into the NWO, with
their one world digital money.
I just pray that you and your family are prepared. If you have not bought
any food/water supplies then now is the time. If you do not trust in Jesus
for your salvation then now is the time for that too.
Don't worry... Our government will protect you.
发帖数: 929
1 (共1页)
日本打算贬值日币Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?
美中西部夏季流感爆发温家宝啃放射西红柿 -- 要围观的快来! (转载)
话题: ebola话题: bsl话题: us话题: government话题: tptb