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Military版 - 身边一些朋友的孩子今年申请的学校
纽约时报的反AA时评:Is Harvard Unfair to Asian-Americans? (转载)看过《社交网络》么,里面一句台词点出这个4元教授犯的大忌
《华尔街日报》和《纽约时报》终于站出来帮亚裔学生了Harvard and UNC sued over their admission policies
Jewish students super-dominated in enrollment in...(link)Harvard sued over 'racial profiling'
空说无用,反对AA需要走法律渠道 (转载)Harvard Faces Admissions Bias Complaint From Asian-Americans
藤校集体修理黄倪哥每人$10,助力Blum诉Harvard (转载)
2015,美国大学收到捐款创新高 (转载)【转】哈佛申诉组委会行动倡议:个人请愿
在对待AA的态度上,华人要向犹太人学习:哈佛诉讼案: 法官判定哈佛必须公布录取数据
ZT: Asians get the Ivy League's Jewish treatment:这个问题上,叔支持床铺
话题: harvard话题: being话题: league话题: america话题: asian
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 192
关于我们的孩子们,Problem was, the Ivy League didn't really want them. Being
first-generation students, these applicants didn't have rich alumni parents
who would be likely to donate big bucks. Being from an ethnicity not
associated with America's governing class, they didn't help the Ivy League
with its biggest selling point — that going to college there provides an
opportunity to rub shoulders with America's governing class. And they were
seen as boring grinds who studied too hard and weren't much fun.
发帖数: 5056


【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: 跟朋友聊天,知道了他们今年要上大学的孩子,申请的学校都一般呀。。。。。。。常
: 青藤的学校不敢碰,说是要求太高了,知道自己达不到要求,不去申请了。
: 这样就有恶性循环了,因为常青藤门槛太高了,很多中国孩子不敢申请了,最后反倒成
: 了,录取人数相对申请人数,并不低!
: 关于我们的孩子们,Problem was, the Ivy League didn't really want them. Being
: first-generation students, these applicants didn't have rich alumni parents
: who would be likely to donate big bucks. Being from an ethnicity not
: associated with America's governing class, they didn't help the Ivy League
: with its biggest selling point — that going to college there provides an
: opportunity to rub shoulders with America's governing class. And they were

发帖数: 68
请支持 Students for Fair Admissions
NY Times, nation's most prestigious liberal newspaper, came out with
this op-ed article: "Is Harvard Unfair to AsAms?", written by Yascha Mounk
who teaches at Harvard. He plainly states that Asian Am. students have
been racially discriminated just like the Jews of the past years. Read it
for yourself:
"NEARLY a century ago, Harvard had a big problem: Too many Jews. By 1922,
Jews accounted for 21.5 percent of freshmen, up from 7 percent in 1900 and
vastly more than at Yale or Princeton. In the Ivy League, only Columbia and
the University of Pennsylvania had a greater proportion of Jews.
Harvard's president, A. Lawrence Lowell, warned that the "Jewish invasion"
would "ruin the college." He wanted a cap: 15 percent. When faculty members
balked, he stacked the admissions process to achieve the same result.
Bolstered by the nativism of the time, which led to sharp immigration
restrictions, Harvard's admissions committee began using the euphemistic
criteria of "character and fitness" to limit Jewish enrollment. As the
sociologist Jerome Karabel has documented, these practices worked for the
next three decades to suppress the number of Jewish students.
A similar injustice is at work today, against Asian-Americans. To get into
the top schools, they need SAT scores that are about 140 points higher than
those of their white peers. In 2008, over half of all applicants to Harvard
with exceptionally high SAT scores were Asian, yet they made up only 17
percent of the entering class (now 20 percent). Asians are the fastest-
growing racial group in America, but their proportion of Harvard
undergraduates has been flat for two decades.
A new lawsuit filed on behalf of Asian-American applicants offers strong
evidence that Harvard engages in racial "balancing." Admissions numbers for
each racial and ethnic group have remained strikingly similar, year to year.
Damningly, those rare years in which an unusually high number of Asians
were admitted were followed by years in which especially few made the cut.
发帖数: 2693
去常青藤读liberal arts,那不是缘木求鱼?


【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: 跟朋友聊天,知道了他们今年要上大学的孩子,申请的学校都一般呀。。。。。。。常
: 青藤的学校不敢碰,说是要求太高了,知道自己达不到要求,不去申请了。
: 这样就有恶性循环了,因为常青藤门槛太高了,很多中国孩子不敢申请了,最后反倒成
: 了,录取人数相对申请人数,并不低!
: 关于我们的孩子们,Problem was, the Ivy League didn't really want them. Being
: first-generation students, these applicants didn't have rich alumni parents
: who would be likely to donate big bucks. Being from an ethnicity not
: associated with America's governing class, they didn't help the Ivy League
: with its biggest selling point — that going to college there provides an
: opportunity to rub shoulders with America's governing class. And they were

发帖数: 6760

【在 w*****n 的大作中提到】
: 是好事儿,应该鼓励
: 华人的小孩,将来都是要做工程师和科学家的
: 去常青藤读liberal arts,那不是缘木求鱼?
: Being
: parents

1 (共1页)
AARA分析汇总川普司法部发表声明支持亚裔起诉哈佛 ZT2015,美国大学收到捐款创新高 (转载)
雪山裸体求置顶,十四日周日中午波士顿反AA大游行 (转载)ZT: Asians get the Ivy League's Jewish treatment:
纽约时报的反AA时评:Is Harvard Unfair to Asian-Americans? (转载)看过《社交网络》么,里面一句台词点出这个4元教授犯的大忌
《华尔街日报》和《纽约时报》终于站出来帮亚裔学生了Harvard and UNC sued over their admission policies
Jewish students super-dominated in enrollment in...(link)Harvard sued over 'racial profiling'
空说无用,反对AA需要走法律渠道 (转载)Harvard Faces Admissions Bias Complaint From Asian-Americans
话题: harvard话题: being话题: league话题: america话题: asian