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Military版 - 某和平教简史
Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism关于穆斯林在全世界的分布和影响,这个才是最全的
Erdogan is the World War III evilThe Japanese—Do NOT Tolerate Islam
民主党跟进床铺:20%木木要暴力组建伊斯兰政权Muslim challenged the “Save Our State Amendment”
Why Can't Islam be Reformed? By Ali Sinasomeone's post at Yahoo
他儿子是英雄,他却是支持Sharia Law的穆斯林West urges end to film protests
话题: ce话题: battle话题: india话题: caliph话题: muslims
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1741
687 CE — Battle of Kufa
691 CE — Battle of Deir ul Jaliq
700 CE — Military campaigns in North Africa
702 CE — Battle of Deir ul Jamira
711 CE — Invasion of Gibraltar and conquest of Spain
712 CE — Conquest of Sindh
713 CE — Conquest of Multan
716 CE — Invasion of Constantinople
732 CE — Battle of Tours in France
740 CE — Battle of the Nobles.
741 CE — Battle of Bagdoura in North Africa
744 CE — Battle of Ain al Jurr
746 CE — Battle of Rupar Thutha
748 CE — Battle of Rayy
749 CE — Battle of lsfahan and Nihawand
750 CE — Battle of Zab
772 CE — Battle of Janbi in North Africa
777 CE — Battle of Saragossa in Spain
Many smaller and unsuccessful campaigns, undertaken during the same period,
have been excluded from this
list. For example, attacks on India frontiers had started in 636 during the
reign of second Caliph Omar. After
many attempts over a period of eight decades to establish a permanent
foothold for Islam in India, success
finally came in 712 when Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sindh. To this long
list, we must add another
long list of wars on numerous fronts in the later centuries, like those in
India, started by Sultan Mahmud of
Ghazni in 1000 and continued as long as Muslims held the power in India. The
Umayyad Caliph Mu'awiyah
(661–80) tried to capture Constantinople for five years (674–78) during
which he launched a number of
unsuccessful and often disastrous attacks. Later on, the campaign to capture
Constantinople was revived in
716, which also failed suffering severe reverses. More attempts were made to
capture it over the next
centuries before Muslims ultimately wrestled the prized center of
Christianity in 1453.
Despite this long list of aggressive and bloody wars against non-Muslims,
waged by Prophet
Muhammad, the succeeding caliphs and other Muslim rulers, Muslims have their
way of explaining away
those blood-letting atrocities and are still able to argue that Prophet
Muhammad was a peaceful man and that
non-Muslims all over the world accepted Islam because of the essence of
peace and justice inherent in the
Islamic creed. In this chapter, these arguments will be discussed in detail
mainly in the context of the Muslim
population growth in medieval India under the Muslim rule. It must be noted
beforehand that the version of
Islam, enforced in India, was based on the Hanafi School—the mildest
amongst the four major Schools of
Islamic laws. This is the only School that gives legal right to life to
idolaters by provisionally elevating them
to the status of dhimmi (tolerated people), clearly violating the canonical
Quranic dictum, which demands
their conversion on the pain of death [Quran 9:5].
发帖数: 1741
Prophet Muhammad died in 632 and Abu Bakr, his father-in-law, became the
first caliph of the Islamic state.
The aggressive wars for the purpose of expanding the domain of Islam and
spreading the Islamic faith
633 CE — Battles at Oman, Hadramaut, Kazima, Walaja, Ulleis, and Anbar
634 CE — Battles of Basra, Damascus and Ajnadin
Caliph Abu Bakr was allegedly assassinated in 634. Omar al-Khattab, another
father-in-law and companion of
the Prophet, became the second caliph. The mission to expand the Islamic
territory continued under his
634 CE — Battles of Namaraq and Saqatia
635 CE — Battles of Bridge, Buwaib, Damascus and Fahl
636 CE — Battles of Yermuk, Qadisiyia and Madain
637 CE — Battle of Jalula
638 CE — Battle of Yarmuk, conquest of Jerusalem and Jazirah
639 CE — Conquest of Khuizistan and movement into Egypt
641 CE — Battle of Nihawand
642 CE — Battle of Ray in Persia
643 CE — Conquest of Azerbaijan
644 CE — Conquest of Fars and Kharan
Caliph Omar, who played the pivotal role in the expansion of the Islamic
state, was murdered in 644. Othman,
a son-in-law and companion of the Prophet, became the next caliph and the
conquests continued:
647 CE — Conquest of the island of Cypress
648 CE — Campaign against the Byzantines
651 CE — Naval battle against the Byzantines
654 CE — Islam spreads into North Africa
Caliph Othman was also murdered in 656. Ali, the husband of the Prophet’s
daughter Fatimah, became the
new caliph. During this time, just over two decades after Muhammad’s death,
internal dissension and
conflicts badly afflicted the Islamic community. This led to intra-Islam
battles, such as the Battle of the Camel
between Ali and the Prophet’s wife Aisha and the Battle of Siffin between
Ali and Mu'awiyah. As a result,
wars against the infidels died down. Under Caliph Ali, only two notable wars
were waged against the infidels:
658 CE — Battle of Nahrawan
659 CE — Conquest of Egypt
Ali was murdered with a poisoned dagger in 661, ending the era of the
Rightly Guided Caliphs or Khilafat
Rashidun. The Umayyad dynasty, headed by Mu'awiyah, came to power. Wars of
conquest for expanding
the Islamic kingdom once again resumed in full force.
662 CE — Egypt falls to Islamic rule
666 CE — Sicily attacked by Muslims
677 CE — Siege of Constantinople
1 (共1页)
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Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism关于穆斯林在全世界的分布和影响,这个才是最全的
Erdogan is the World War III evilThe Japanese—Do NOT Tolerate Islam
民主党跟进床铺:20%木木要暴力组建伊斯兰政权Muslim challenged the “Save Our State Amendment”
话题: ce话题: battle话题: india话题: caliph话题: muslims