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Military版 - 这事搁国内会是什么结局
Chinese tourist beaten with wooden plank outside Midtown h美國的良知皮特西格(Pete Seeger)走了。
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话题: fritsch话题: he话题: low话题: mr话题: said
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Jail for German exec who punched cabbie
A German national who tried to cut a taxi queue by claiming he should get
priority for paying $40,000 in taxes to Singapore, and then punched the
cabbie, was yesterday jailed for 10 days.
District Judge Lim Tse Haw repeatedly called Michael Fritsch's conduct
during last year's May 17 incident "deplorable" from start to finish, adding
a four-week sentence was the minimum.
But given the guilty plea and remorse shown by the 38-year-old, who is head
of business operations for Asia Pacific at T-Systems, the judge brought the
sentence down, but not without delivering a warning. "I hope you have learnt
your lesson in this incident and never ever resort to violence against
anyone, let alone public transport workers,'' he said.
After drinking at the nightclub Zouk, Fritsch and a friend left at 4am to
get a taxi.
But there was already a queue for taxis along the nearby Kim Seng Road. Low
Chong Peng's cab was next in line.
A couple approached his cab, but before they could board, Fritsch got in and
sat in the middle. He offered Mr Low, 52, double a cabbie's $2,000 to $3,
000 monthly earnings. Mr Low declined, stating it was a matter of principle.
Fritsch then argued he should get priority for paying high taxes to the
Singapore Government every year.
He said he would call the Land Transport Authority. Mr Low asked him to get
out of the taxi before making the call. He refused, and kept typing on his
mobile phone. Taxis behind started to sound their horns.
After 15 minutes, Mr Low relented and asked where Fritsch wanted to go. But
Fritsch said he would wait for everyone outside to go away so that Mr Low
would not be able to take any passengers.
Mr Low then told Fritsch he would take a photo of him and report him to the
He took a few shots and dialled 999. When he turned around, Fritsch punched
him on the forehead.
Fritsch left by the time police came. But he was arrested five days later.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Teo Lu Jia sought a one- to two-week jail term to
protect public transport workers who should not be subject to such violent
behaviour. The court, she said, must send a strong message that Fritsch's
actions cannot be tolerated.
Fritsch's lawyer Adam Maniam said his client was deeply remorseful. He said
Fritsch wanted to donate $1,000 to the National Taxi Association but the
money went to the National Crime Prevention Council instead as NTA was
unable to accept the donation.
Fritsch had also given a letter of apology to Mr Low, plus $1,675 in
The German could have been jailed for up to two years and/or fined up to $5,
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Chinese tourist beaten with wooden plank outside Midtown h美國的良知皮特西格(Pete Seeger)走了。
纳什居然坐uber! 政府不给配司机吗?五角大楼发现疑似ebola患者
A gay Latino Trump supporter, now I've seen everything (转载)爱尔兰人在美国的地位
话题: fritsch话题: he话题: low话题: mr话题: said