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Military版 - PSU一个白人教授因为骗政府钱,被判3年
她终于有她自己的网站了,琐男的福利呀。老将请进 看看美国的月亮有多圆
Baltimore prosecutor seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy牧师贪污教会的钱被判刑九年 (转载)
H-1B visa racket busted in US, 11 Indians arrested媒体称美国可能大范围调查投行雇佣中国官二代zt南都
花旗银行印度员工 偷窃了几百万美元美国可能大范围调查国际顶尖投行雇佣中国官二代
话题: grimes话题: state话题: penn话题: nih
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
A former Penn State engineering professor will spend more than three years
in prison for defrauding federal agencies of $3 million in research grant
Craig Grimes, 56, formerly of Boalsburg and now of Raleigh, N.C., was
sentenced in Harrisburg on Friday by federal Judge Yvette Kane. Grimes was
ordered by pay $640,660.37 in restitution on top of the sentence of 41
months behind bars.
Grimes pleaded guilty in February to defrauding the National Institutes of
Health, making false statements to the U.S. Department of Energy and
laundering money he received from the NIH.
Grimes, who was at Penn State from July 1, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2010, was a
professor of electrical engineering and ran the company Sentech Biomed.
Prosecutors said Grimes got a $1.2 million grant from the NIH for medical
research through his company. Between June 2006 and February 2011, Grimes
was to study gases in patients’ blood that could help detect the presence
of a disease in infants.
Prosecutors allege Grimes promised to use about $509,000 for research at
Penn State’s Hershey Medical Center, but that never happened. Instead,
prosecutors said Grimes used the money on himself.
Grimes then laundered some of the money he got from NIH.
In August 2009, Grimes applied for a $1.9 million grant for researching
energy-related technologies from the Department of Energy. But, prosecutors
said, Grimes but did not disclose that he had received a grant from the
National Science Foundation for the same research.
Grimes told the judge who sentenced him Friday to 41 months that he was
zealous in wanting to help the world.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Terz said Grimes “is not a mad scientist. He
’s a dishonest scientist.”
发帖数: 957

【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: A former Penn State engineering professor will spend more than three years
: in prison for defrauding federal agencies of $3 million in research grant
: money.
: Craig Grimes, 56, formerly of Boalsburg and now of Raleigh, N.C., was
: sentenced in Harrisburg on Friday by federal Judge Yvette Kane. Grimes was
: ordered by pay $640,660.37 in restitution on top of the sentence of 41
: months behind bars.
: Grimes pleaded guilty in February to defrauding the National Institutes of
: Health, making false statements to the U.S. Department of Energy and
: laundering money he received from the NIH.

1 (共1页)
美国一军事基地多名女兵被迫当军妓供长官泄欲H-1B visa racket busted in US, 11 Indians arrested
O8大笔一挥,学生们欠债不要还了?花旗银行印度员工 偷窃了几百万美元
这是啥东东? (转载)正事不管。FL抢手被人举报
她终于有她自己的网站了,琐男的福利呀。老将请进 看看美国的月亮有多圆
Baltimore prosecutor seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy牧师贪污教会的钱被判刑九年 (转载)
话题: grimes话题: state话题: penn话题: nih