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Military版 - 白宫: 苹果崩得越狠, 中国越快
骂疮破的都是什么人?床总的效率---Ford车厂不搬了 (转载)
中美最新一轮贸易谈判取得了进展,但并无重大突破Trump’s Taiwan phone call was long planned, say people who were involved
孟晚舟和川普联手,打破美国大局If China doesn't like it, screw 'em'
China has not yet accepted U.S. help with coronavirus: White House adviser重磅炸弹:川普任命最反共的Navarro为贸易工业政策主管
轮子和白皮不到一个月前还幸灾乐祸中国死人多床铺的科教班子要把文科专业大部分干掉 (转载)
老将高兴吧 U.S. to announce China trade enforcement action女婿不和中国做生意了 (转载)
Why isn't the iPhone made in America?疮破阵脚大乱,要换掉整个白宫内阁班子
话题: china话题: chinese话题: apple话题: hassett话题: companies
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 617
“We believe the economic environment in China has been further impacted by
rising trade tensions with the United States,” CEO Tim Cook wrote in a
letter to investors that sent Apple stock plummeting and brought the broader
stock market down with it.
In response, White House Council of Economic Advisers chief Kevin Hassett
told CNN that Cook is basically right, and that Apple isn’t going to be
alone in the feeling the pain.
“It’s not going to be just Apple,” Hassett said Thursday morning. “There
are a heck of a lot of U.S. companies that have sales in China that are
going to be watching their earnings being downgraded next year until we get
a deal with China.”
The president’s top economic adviser saying that the White House’s
economic agenda is hurting American companies and causing the stock market
to decline is a bit of an unusual tactic. But far from being worried by the
prospect of more negative earnings shocks, Hassett sees it as evidence that
Trump’s policies are working.
What’s bad for China is good for Trump’s China policy
The basic logic of Hassett’s argument is like this:
Apple’s revenue and share price are falling because the Chinese economy is
sliding, so Chinese consumers are buying fewer iPhones. Because this
reflects a general problem in the Chinese economy, it ought to end up
afflicting not just Apple but a lot of American companies that have
significant Chinese sales. About 20 percent of Apple’s revenue comes from
China, which is a lot, but companies like Corning, Starbucks, and Intel are
even more dependent on China, and even less exposed companies like Nike,
Boeing, and 3M still count on China for about 10 percent of sales.
On one level, that sounds pretty bad.
But Hassett is arguing that because the cause of the bad news for American
companies is the overall bad news about the Chinese economy, this means that
Chinese people are suffering much more. And that’s good because it means
the Chinese government is going to have to surrender.
“That puts a lot of pressure on China to make a deal,” Hassett said. “If
we have a successful negotiation with China, then Apple’s sales and
everybody else’s sales will recover.”
发帖数: 12972


【在 c*******2 的大作中提到】
: “We believe the economic environment in China has been further impacted by
: rising trade tensions with the United States,” CEO Tim Cook wrote in a
: letter to investors that sent Apple stock plummeting and brought the broader
: stock market down with it.
: In response, White House Council of Economic Advisers chief Kevin Hassett
: told CNN that Cook is basically right, and that Apple isn’t going to be
: alone in the feeling the pain.
: “It’s not going to be just Apple,” Hassett said Thursday morning. “There
: are a heck of a lot of U.S. companies that have sales in China that are
: going to be watching their earnings being downgraded next year until we get

发帖数: 55733
发帖数: 2062
发帖数: 8291
最后崩掉的是美国牌子。 中国市场依旧活跃, 欧洲日本品牌获益, 中国本土品牌也
会收益。 比如手机就是本土品牌受益。
美国牌子被川普砸扁了。 恭喜川普贺喜川普。


【在 c*******2 的大作中提到】
: “We believe the economic environment in China has been further impacted by
: rising trade tensions with the United States,” CEO Tim Cook wrote in a
: letter to investors that sent Apple stock plummeting and brought the broader
: stock market down with it.
: In response, White House Council of Economic Advisers chief Kevin Hassett
: told CNN that Cook is basically right, and that Apple isn’t going to be
: alone in the feeling the pain.
: “It’s not going to be just Apple,” Hassett said Thursday morning. “There
: are a heck of a lot of U.S. companies that have sales in China that are
: going to be watching their earnings being downgraded next year until we get

发帖数: 1
我觉得中美之间弄拧了 责任在美国
发帖数: 1
1 (共1页)
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伊万卡应该是正常人Why isn't the iPhone made in America?
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中美最新一轮贸易谈判取得了进展,但并无重大突破Trump’s Taiwan phone call was long planned, say people who were involved
孟晚舟和川普联手,打破美国大局If China doesn't like it, screw 'em'
China has not yet accepted U.S. help with coronavirus: White House adviser重磅炸弹:川普任命最反共的Navarro为贸易工业政策主管
话题: china话题: chinese话题: apple话题: hassett话题: companies