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Military版 - 加州 Prop 47 使小偷小摸 到处都是。。。 (转载)
加州 Prop 47 使小偷小摸 到处都是。。。 (转载)弗格森(Ferguson)之乱 (转载)
Re: (组图)白灵大爆给解放军当性奴 惊动外交部zzJulie Bosman,纽约时报记者的偷窃犯罪纪录被曝光
interesting facts about US congressmen and congresswomenRe: 南加大中国访问学者朱汉祺 (Owen Zhu)被传失踪 (转载)
@@:diang员干部声称脑瘤,减轻商店偷窃罪名 (转载)FB这件事 (转载)
奥巴马的妈妈当年shoplifting的入狱照哥发现最近Walmart跟Sam’s club学坏了
奥巴马总统的讲话展示了人性的光辉”Houdini“女子解手铐开警车高速潜逃PIT stopped
话题: prop话题: 47话题: san话题: he话题: francisco
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1920
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: cellcycle (vacoule), 信区: USANews
标 题: 加州 Prop 47 使小偷小摸 到处都是。。。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 1 13:16:59 2019, 美东)
简单讲:如果偷了,抢了 小于 950 刀价值的东西,不会被 追究。。。
California's Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity
across state
SAN FRANCISCO – In a lighted garage on one of San Francisco's busiest
streets, a young man in baggy trousers and messy brown hair pulled down his
pants. He had been hiding two pairs of stolen jeans with the tags still on
them. He handed them to another man waiting nearby, took some money, pulled
up his pants and headed back into another store on Market Street — home to
the city's high-end designers and big-chain retail shops.
The incident wasn't a one-off. These brazen acts of petty theft and
shoplifting are a dangerous and all-too-common consequence of Proposition 47
, a referendum passed five years ago that critics say effectively gives
shoplifters and addicts the green light to commit crimes as long as the
merchandise they steal or the drugs they take are less than $950 in value.
The decision to downgrade theft of property valued below the arbitrary
figure from felony to misdemeanor, together with selective enforcement that
focuses on more “serious” crimes, has resulted in thieves knowing they can
brazenly shoplift and merchants knowing the police will not respond to
their complaints, say critics.
1 (共1页)
”Houdini“女子解手铐开警车高速潜逃PIT stopped公共场所大小便都不对
加州 Prop 47 使小偷小摸 到处都是。。。 (转载)弗格森(Ferguson)之乱 (转载)
Re: (组图)白灵大爆给解放军当性奴 惊动外交部zzJulie Bosman,纽约时报记者的偷窃犯罪纪录被曝光
interesting facts about US congressmen and congresswomenRe: 南加大中国访问学者朱汉祺 (Owen Zhu)被传失踪 (转载)
@@:diang员干部声称脑瘤,减轻商店偷窃罪名 (转载)FB这件事 (转载)
话题: prop话题: 47话题: san话题: he话题: francisco