

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Money版 - 申citi卡悲剧了
citi AA 被拒,据信如下annualcreditreport网站也可以拿到free credit report?
790分的信用分数大致是什么概念?CreditReport.com 这个网站的Free Credit Score有人查过么?可信么?
求 -怎么读credit reportCredit Score & CreditKarma?
【包子】请教stmt balance跟credit score的关系???[求助] 有没有人申请过 store card?credit被毁了,申不到信用卡了
Pay Off Your Balance Each Month? Your Credit Report May Not Show ItING Checking 被拒。。。无语了!
delinquent on 1 account 与credit score急问新开CD,saving账户影响credit score 吗?
credit report的一个问题Re: 一点建议:谁能写一点关于Credit Report和Credit分数的介绍文章.
查了信用分数,摘下来关于影响Credit Score的因素credit report 3 in one问题
话题: credit话题: your话题: score话题: report话题: shows
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 79
We calculated your credit score with information from
this consumer reporting agency and used it in making our
credit decision. Your credit score is a number that
reflects the information in your credit report. Your credit
score can change, depending on how the information in your
credit report changes.
As of August/2011 your credit score is 0943. Credit scores
range from a low of 0 to a high of 999 The Key factors
that adversely affected your credit score are:
o Your credit report shows too few credit references.
o Your credit report shows your accounts have a low credit
o Your credit report shows too many accounts with balances.
发帖数: 1082
move on...

【在 j*******g 的大作中提到】
: 申citi卡悲剧了,得到以下回复。有什么补救措施吗?
: We calculated your credit score with information from
: this consumer reporting agency and used it in making our
: credit decision. Your credit score is a number that
: reflects the information in your credit report. Your credit
: score can change, depending on how the information in your
: credit report changes.
: As of August/2011 your credit score is 0943. Credit scores
: range from a low of 0 to a high of 999 The Key factors
: that adversely affected your credit score are:

1 (共1页)
credit report 3 in one问题Pay Off Your Balance Each Month? Your Credit Report May Not Show It
银行可以从credit report去掉之前忘还钱的纪录吗?delinquent on 1 account 与credit score急问
今天americanexpress查询credit score免费credit report的一个问题
Low balance=high credit score ?查了信用分数,摘下来关于影响Credit Score的因素
citi AA 被拒,据信如下annualcreditreport网站也可以拿到free credit report?
790分的信用分数大致是什么概念?CreditReport.com 这个网站的Free Credit Score有人查过么?可信么?
求 -怎么读credit reportCredit Score & CreditKarma?
【包子】请教stmt balance跟credit score的关系???[求助] 有没有人申请过 store card?credit被毁了,申不到信用卡了
话题: credit话题: your话题: score话题: report话题: shows