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NewJersey版 - this is ROUGH (转载)
麻省好校 Town Lexington单家庭出租房 (转载)求推荐Mortgage broker
请大家推荐个NJ的贷款broker -- refinance (转载)有一点动心
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zhou zhang ne?我推荐的牙科医生
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1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8992
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: mitccs (蓝色的翅膀 /// 大淫,淫于市), 信区: NewYork
标 题: this is ROUGH
关键字: rough rough
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 6 21:33:49 2012, 美东)
mental health, ignore bu de ahhhhhh...
there is a photo (blood can be seen in the face) at this link:
WESTBOROUGH - On a sunny afternoon this week, Yening Zhou entered his
parents’ apartment to check in on them, as he did every day at the same
time. His mother, Yuee Zhou, had recently confided in him that she was
concerned about her husband’s behavior.
Although he had not been clinically diagnosed with dementia, Jieming Liu,
shaky and frail at 79, exhibited the symptoms, and family members were
convinced he was afflicted by the disease. In November, Liu and his wife
left their life in Hunan Province in China and moved to a small apartment in
Shrewsbury, so their son, who lives nearby, could routinely look in on them.
When Zhou opened the door Thursday, he encountered a scene so grisly that
even weathered law enforcement officials appeared strained to describe it.
Yuee Zhou, 73, lay face down in a pool of blood. Her lower left arm was
detached at the elbow and gnawed to the bone. Blood and bits of human tissue
were scattered around the apartment.
“It may have been due to the defendant eating her flesh,’’ Assistant
Worcester District Attorney Michael McHugh said Friday.
Authorities found Liu sitting on a rocking chair next to his wife’s body,
his body, including his face, smeared with blood.
“The only thing he mentioned to us was the words ‘self-defense,’ ’’
Early said.
Liu was charged with murder, mayhem, and assault and battery in Westborough
District Court Friday morning. Judge Vito Virzi ordered him to undergo a
mental evaluation, and Liu was held without bail pending a May 14 status
“I haven’t seen this type in Worcester county; none of the police officers
that were working the scene have seen this type of homicide before,’’
said Worcester District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr. moments after the
Shrewbury’s last homicide was in February 2010, a domestic violence
incident, according to police. The number of homicides in the past decade
could not be confirmed late Friday, but police said there probably were no
more than six.
Residents expressed shock Friday about the details of this latest killing.
Davila Lopes, who lives in an apartment next to the couple’s said she often
saw them foraging through the dumpster on the grounds of the complex
“I thought it was really strange, these two old people looking through the
trash,’’ Lopes said in Portuguese during a telephone interview.
“I couldn’t communicate with them because we spoke two different languages
, but I felt sorry for them,’’ she said. “Now we’re hearing more and
more of what happened, and it’s just so unbelievable that something like
that happened right here, right next to me.’’
Prosecutors and Liu’s attorney said it is apparent that the defendant
suffers from dementia and possibly Alzheimer’s disease. During the
arraignment, Liu appeared bewildered as he stood next to his attorney,
Michael Hussey. Liu moaned and rocked back and forth as if in pain, at one
point resting his head on a waist-high railing in front of him. Hussey
entered a plea of not guilty on his client’s behalf.
“Mr. Liu doesn’t seem to have any recognition of what’s going on here,’
’ Hussey said outside the courthouse after the arraignment. “He’s
completely befuddled. I don’t even think that he has a good understanding
of why police brought him here and for what reason. As you can see, he’s
physically frail, almost 80 years old. He’s in pathetic shape, mentally and
Lui’s son, Yening Zhou, was in the courthouse, but declined to comment
though a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office.
Hussey said Liu did not recognize his son when he picked up his parents at
the airport last November.
Zhou, 51, would “check in’’ on his parents every day between 4:30 and 5 p
.m. Police had never been called to the couple’s apartment on Green Drive,
and no restraining order had been filed by Yuee Zhou against her husband.
Yening Zhou told authorities, according to a police report, that in the
midst of the bloody scene, his father kept repeating, “This is not your
mother.’’ Zhou called 911 and told the dispatcher, “I think my father did
it,’’ according to the report.
Liu, who speaks no English, was interviewed Thursday with the help of a
Boston police officer who speaks Mandarin. After he was arrested and read
his Miranda rights, Liu told authorities the injuries to his hands were the
result of self-defense. He then told police he wanted a lawyer.
Brian R. Ballou can be reached at b*****[email protected]. Follow him on Twitter
at @globeballou.
发帖数: 3950
州长, 老农呢?
这个读下来, 胃得是铁一点的。
听说, 你们是权威。。。
发帖数: 26303

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
: 发信人: mitccs (蓝色的翅膀 /// 大淫,淫于市), 信区: NewYork
: 标 题: this is ROUGH
: 关键字: rough rough
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 6 21:33:49 2012, 美东)
: mental health, ignore bu de ahhhhhh...
: there is a photo (blood can be seen in the face) at this link:
: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2012/04/06/shrewsbury/IRqS7XJJ
: WESTBOROUGH - On a sunny afternoon this week, Yening Zhou entered his
: parents’ apartment to check in on them, as he did every day at the same

发帖数: 8992
old ages --> possible Up Door Son In Law
you know the word? you know the idea?
maybe the women's family was big. and more influential.

【在 l*******s 的大作中提到】
: 很可能真的是精神上有问题,人老了很可怜。。。。
: 另外,为什么儿子跟妈姓不跟爸姓?难道是后爸?

发帖数: 8992
BTW, he died last weekend....

【在 l*******s 的大作中提到】
: 很可能真的是精神上有问题,人老了很可怜。。。。
: 另外,为什么儿子跟妈姓不跟爸姓?难道是后爸?

1 (共1页)
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麻省好校 Town Lexington单家庭出租房 (转载)求推荐Mortgage broker
请大家推荐个NJ的贷款broker -- refinance (转载)有一点动心
请问有在新泽西做房贷re-finance的么? (转载)地震
谁用过jordan zhou的贷款?利率和服务好吗?你们觉得
话题: liu话题: zhou话题: he话题: his话题: rough