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NewYork版 - 有没有人在NYC做FP星期三上午walk-in过的? (转载)
watched devil wears pradaI also want to know where to get
I-95 GWB 都通着吧, 明天上午6点的时候会堵吗?How many ppl here live in Forest Hills?
Consulate of China in NYC我问个WS的问题?
[转载] Walking in NYC (上)wo3 de yi1 tian1
[转载] Walking in NYC (下)booking a specialist in US
NYC APICHA AIDS Walk Team养子不宜易啊
wearing ring everyday?昨晚散步遇到一只神猫 (转载)
跟boss对话后我惊出一身冷汗 re: dress code曼哈顿吃ticket了
话题: nyc话题: fp话题: appt话题: walk话题: 上午
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 549
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: cathyfall (fall), 信区: EB23
标 题: 有没有人在NYC做FP星期三上午walk-in过的?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 23 22:39:53 2012, 美东)
发帖数: 148
I did this morning (Monday) around 11 at Jamaica support center, you can
take E train get off at the last stop.then 2min walk to the center. security only asked "you do know you come early right?"
and I said "yes", you don't have to explain why. then he called someone and someone asked my original appt. date and said ok and they let me in, my appt. is next week.they gave me a number and I was the sencond people online. People are very polite there, make sure you do you hair and wear some make up if you want
to, you can get a nice picture. and bring the letter and your ID or gc with you.
发帖数: 211
发帖数: 549
Thank you very much for your detailed information.

security only asked "you do know you come early right?"
and someone asked my original appt. date and said ok and they let me in, my
appt. is next week.they gave me a number and I was the sencond people online
. People are very polite there, make sure you do you hair and wear some make
up if you want
with you.

【在 c**********r 的大作中提到】
: I did this morning (Monday) around 11 at Jamaica support center, you can
: take E train get off at the last stop.then 2min walk to the center. security only asked "you do know you come early right?"
: and I said "yes", you don't have to explain why. then he called someone and someone asked my original appt. date and said ok and they let me in, my appt. is next week.they gave me a number and I was the sencond people online. People are very polite there, make sure you do you hair and wear some make up if you want
: to, you can get a nice picture. and bring the letter and your ID or gc with you.

1 (共1页)
曼哈顿吃ticket了[转载] Walking in NYC (下)
哥今天在医院把个白秃B骂得一声没敢吭,站那跟个孙子似的NYC APICHA AIDS Walk Team
Re: 请教大虾们,长岛机场如何去wearing ring everyday?
Re: 大家知不知道有什么地方可以骑马的?跟boss对话后我惊出一身冷汗 re: dress code
watched devil wears pradaI also want to know where to get
I-95 GWB 都通着吧, 明天上午6点的时候会堵吗?How many ppl here live in Forest Hills?
Consulate of China in NYC我问个WS的问题?
[转载] Walking in NYC (上)wo3 de yi1 tian1
话题: nyc话题: fp话题: appt话题: walk话题: 上午