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NewYork版 - god, i love the ingenuity of NYC!!!!
有人去过The NoMad Restaurant 吗?flushing
纽约市沩仰禅讲座 10/23 - 10/26 (转载)印度人的‘传帮代’ (转载)
投行的Title凤凰城里出了一家白人活雷锋:Donna还有海运公司的 Wanda (转载)
women suck at programming, or加国问路遇兄弟,美国拉车见雷锋(原创)
历险记7年薪$10萬垃圾工 招不到人
├ Re: Best sun glasses, tried and true (转载)梁彼得不用坐牢 法官放他一馬
圣诞节包子.Women's March Speaker 竟然是杀人犯 (转载)
话题: egg话题: freezing话题: my话题: she话题: want
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7881
Fashionable New York professional women gathered at a first-of-its-kind “
egg-freezing party” this week — where they sipped champagne while learning
how to scientifically put off motherhood until they decide that they’re
fully ready.
Dubbed “Let’s Chill,” the event was sponsored by a company called
EggBanxx, which is cutting the cost of egg freezing and marketing it to
young go-getters who want to be ready for kids later in life.
Alexis Pace, of drug company EMD Serono, shows women the hormone injection
pen they’ll need to use for egg freezing.
“I don’t have a significant other . . . but I hope to one day
and have kids,” said attendee, Donna Kanze, 35, of Manhattan, who has a
career in the technology sector. She’s already signed up for egg freezing.
“I want to take my fertility into my own hands, rather than put pressure on
the person I have my next relationship with,” she said.
“I don’t want to be in the position when I’m in my late 30s and panicking
because I haven’t found the right man and I’d compromise and take anyone
off the street!”
Kanze’s feelings were widely echoed among the 70-strong crowd of young
women who attended the company’s $45-a-ticket egg-a-paloooza Tuesday at the
NoMad Hotel in Midtown.
When EggBanxx’s marketing director Leahjane Lavin, 34, announced that she
just underwent two cycles of egg freezing herself, the crowed whooped with
“I want to take my fertility into my own hands,” says Donna Kanze.
“The pressure is off, and I feel so empowered,” she said, of her feelings
after she socked away her eggs for a later date. “I can now concentrate on
my career and becoming who I want to be before having children!”
During the event, the attendees got a crash course in egg freezing, such as
how the ovaries must be stimulated with fertility drugs for 12 days before
her eggs are harvested while she is sedated.
EggBanxx’s prices average between $6,500 and $7,500, compared to between $
13,000 and $15,000, the amount it claims could be charged elsewhere.
At that price, egg freezing can make life in New York’s notoriously tough
social scene a little less stressful for more people.
“I don’t want to keep thinking about my biological clock,” said Nancy
Noel, Nancy Noel, a 32-year-old nurse. “I’d rather store my eggs now while
they are young and healthy and use them when I’m older, say around 39.”
发帖数: 7881
发帖数: 8992
The pressure is off....
发帖数: 8992
What kind of personality does it TAKE for a mother to be able to TRUST the
safety of this whole thing?
Granted, It is self selecting. 正常人都操了, 生了。。。。
发帖数: 8992
I bet the only way for this to take off, is eventually to sell them frozen
eggs to men, gay, or 不孕couples where the men sperms checked out all right.
in other words. Real desperate , otherwise no egg, 的人 才可能 even look at
these frozen tubes.
"Let it goooooo. Let it goooooo"
1 (共1页)
大家都是多长时间收到退税的啊?├ Re: Best sun glasses, tried and true (转载)
【内部消息】Google招人马上要freeze了!!! (转载)圣诞节包子.
i am f'ing freezing to death上海交通大学公布全球最佳大学排名
有人去过The NoMad Restaurant 吗?flushing
纽约市沩仰禅讲座 10/23 - 10/26 (转载)印度人的‘传帮代’ (转载)
投行的Title凤凰城里出了一家白人活雷锋:Donna还有海运公司的 Wanda (转载)
women suck at programming, or加国问路遇兄弟,美国拉车见雷锋(原创)
话题: egg话题: freezing话题: my话题: she话题: want