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PDA版 - 尼玛 NPR top rated comments on Apple's victory
WSJ: 乔布斯为什么这么怕Androidplease recommend sprint phone
真恶心啊,堂堂MS居然学APLLE搞个什么ZUNE,太垃圾了!为什么apple总是这么小气 (转载)
苹果用户最显著的特点我对Steve Jobs的看法
GPS with Chinese language support (转载)ipad2一出 xoom胜利鸟
Apple sues HTC当年就算没有乔教主
Economist: Copying the copierJOBS如何学会专利游戏的?
专利局 invalidates Apple multitouch patent乔布斯 遗失的访谈
话题: apple话题: aug话题: report话题: daylight话题: central
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4321
Comments on:
Apple's Patent Win Could Alter Landscape Of Smartphone Industry
Save The Humans (Grey_) wrote:
I have to agree this is ridiculous. I dont think you should be able to
patent the pinch to zoom or slide your finger to the right to unlock.
Imagine if the double click was patented, or the keyboard layout was
patented, or drawing a square to select multiple files was patented.....
Sat Aug 25 2012 11:47:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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Qev N (Qev) wrote:
Kinda like Ford suing all other automobile manufacturers for violating its
patent on rectangular shaped cars that sit on a four-wheeled chassis.
Sat Aug 25 2012 08:28:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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Daniel J. (dj89) wrote:
Apple could not be more blatant in its pursuit of total market control. If
you can't beat your competitors, disqualify them. Their products are good
enough that they don't need to sue everybody else, but the companies
statements and actions repeatedly demonstrate that they don't want to have
the "best" product in a given field; they want to have the "only" product.
Sat Aug 25 2012 07:09:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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Kevin Brennan (ghostbuster) wrote:
This case serves as validation that technology patents are usually an absurd
idea. Let's patent actual discoveries (e.g., a new cancer drug) and leave
things like the way a freakin' cell phone looks to the free market. Heck,
Apple has made a business by taking existing inventions and improving their
appearance and usability, and now they feel ripped off when other people do
likewise. It doesn't make much sense and seems greedy.
Sat Aug 25 2012 08:40:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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Dwight Eisenhower (UncleIke) wrote:
A jury from San Jose finds in favor of Apple, who has its headquarters 7
miles away in Cupertino. Not too shocking.
Sat Aug 25 2012 10:50:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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s k (briancohen) wrote:
Charles Phillips (TheDudeAbides) wrote:
I seem to recall Apple suing Microsoft for stealing the graphical user
interface that Apple stole from Xerox. It's an amusing turn of events that
they had to sue for something they actually created instead of stole from
someone else.
- - -
You recall wrong. First, Xerox wanted and did invest a bunch of money in
Apple, and the Xerox PARC visit was the other side of that exchange. Apple
was already working on visual user interface ideas for the Mac (to breakaway
from the text/DOS on a black screen), and Job's visit to PARC was arranged
by his own engineers to educate him about their GUI work. Apple and PARC are
responsible for creating what became the Mac OS, but Apple brought it to
market, which Xerox had no interest in. Second, Xerox later tried to sue
Apple once it was successful, but lost. These are the facts. You need to
educate yourself about how much more complicated the processes of
development and commercialization are.
Sat Aug 25 2012 11:27:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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Luc S (pramjockey) wrote:
Qev N (Qev) wrote:
Kinda like Ford suing all other automobile manufacturers for violating its
patent on rectangular shaped cars that sit on a four-wheeled chassis.
That's an apt analogy.
Boycott Apple.
Sat Aug 25 2012 08:41:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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Jen W (JWbwafict) wrote:
Good lord. I'm an Apple loyalist and *I* think this is absurd. Will hold off
on buying any more Apple products until I see where this goes.. If this is
Apple post-Jobs, then I'm done. Will write them off the same way I wrote off
Saturn in 2002 when they stopped being Saturn and started being just
another generic GM company...
Sat Aug 25 2012 08:47:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
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发帖数: 4042
发帖数: 4321

【在 g******o 的大作中提到】
: 可惜陪审团没这么傻逼
发帖数: 15480
也不算post jobs吧。方型圆角是老乔申请的,当年也是老乔要骂微软结果被盖子一句

【在 P*********0 的大作中提到】
: 我再也不会买任何苹果产品。
: Comments on:
: Apple's Patent Win Could Alter Landscape Of Smartphone Industry
: Save The Humans (Grey_) wrote:
: I have to agree this is ridiculous. I dont think you should be able to
: patent the pinch to zoom or slide your finger to the right to unlock.
: Imagine if the double click was patented, or the keyboard layout was
: patented, or drawing a square to select multiple files was patented.....
: Sat Aug 25 2012 11:47:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
: Recommended (49)

发帖数: 4321

【在 a********m 的大作中提到】
: 也不算post jobs吧。方型圆角是老乔申请的,当年也是老乔要骂微软结果被盖子一句
: “咱们都是去偷东西的,我去的时候发现已经被你偷走了”给噎个半死。

发帖数: 899

【在 P*********0 的大作中提到】
: 我再也不会买任何苹果产品。
: Comments on:
: Apple's Patent Win Could Alter Landscape Of Smartphone Industry
: Save The Humans (Grey_) wrote:
: I have to agree this is ridiculous. I dont think you should be able to
: patent the pinch to zoom or slide your finger to the right to unlock.
: Imagine if the double click was patented, or the keyboard layout was
: patented, or drawing a square to select multiple files was patented.....
: Sat Aug 25 2012 11:47:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
: Recommended (49)

发帖数: 4321
phone -> cellular phone -> smart phone -> iPhone

【在 d**r 的大作中提到】
: 说得很对。就好像哥伦布发现新大陆之后,要求后来者向他缴费。
发帖数: 4631
别的不知道,double click是有专利的。
1 (共1页)
乔布斯 遗失的访谈Apple sues HTC
Please recommend a 10inch Android tabletEconomist: Copying the copier
who's suing who in mobile business专利局 invalidates Apple multitouch patent
WSJ: 乔布斯为什么这么怕Androidplease recommend sprint phone
真恶心啊,堂堂MS居然学APLLE搞个什么ZUNE,太垃圾了!为什么apple总是这么小气 (转载)
苹果用户最显著的特点我对Steve Jobs的看法
GPS with Chinese language support (转载)ipad2一出 xoom胜利鸟
话题: apple话题: aug话题: report话题: daylight话题: central