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PDA版 - 汇报一下minix x7。
这个降到80 我就入了金亚致家2,一个比较值得买的国内盒子
我觉得电视盒子Why Do We Need Intel's Compute Stick?
有Minix x8-h基友吗?发个小白鼠使用感言有用过这一款 Android TV Box 的吗?
四核电视棒Rockchip RK3188 32bit内存位宽rk3188的tv stick怎样?
全世界第一个四核a12闪亮登场TV stick有什么好的?
三妹出品的ouya机终于让我理顺了。fire stick连不上wifi
白兔山寨cast要来了Fire stick 能搜到5G Hz的WIFI吗?
Crack berry, MiniX N7的问题fire TV stick 深度讨论
话题: wifi话题: x7话题: throughput话题: t428话题: antenna
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1186
是W*T*F)。esfile拷文件 600KB/s, 5G稍微强点。不过系统貌似还比较流畅。local
streaming 什么的都是瞬间打开,估计跟纸面配置有关,有空再慢慢玩。
发帖数: 1245
Another difference between the X7 and many (but not all) other RK3188
devices is it's external antenna. Some sticks have an external antenna but
most sticks are limited to a tiny piece of wire inside the casing. The X7
has a rather large and somewhat ugly looking antenna. Compared to my T428,
the WIFI reception/range is better, but the speed is more or less identical,
both connect at 65mbit in close range and give about 3-4mbyte/sec
throughput. Both the T428 and X7 use the same WIFI/BT chipset: AP6330. Don't
expect "higher" WIFI speeds from the X7, just more range (and thus more
speed at longer ranges of course). Like the T428, the X7 also supports 5ghz
802.11n. This might be useful if you live in an area crowded with 2.4ghz
base stations. Throughput seems a bit faster at 4-5mbyte/sec.
Still... this is quite far from the speeds I can achieve with a decent
laptop (such as my macbook pro) and what the 11n standard claims it can
reach. I'm not exactly sure why all rockchip sticks I've tried have such low
WIFI speeds. The ones with realteks say they connect up to 150mbit or so,
but I haven't seen any throughput higher than those of the AP6330, it's
always in the range of 3-5mbyte/sec, so those connect speed numbers can be
deceiving. I suspect it's because all of these devices are single antenna,
while to gain full 11n performance you'd need 3 antennas. Additionally they
probably only have a single transmitter as well, while full performance can
be gained with 4 transmitters:
Other mobile devices, such as my Sony phone, seem to have similar
configurations though (without 5ghz support even).
If you really want to make sure your connection is stable, you can use the
built-in ethernet port, which has about 8-10mbyte/sec throughput. Alas no
1000mbit ethernet, but 100mbit should be sufficient for most purposes.
发帖数: 1186
是W*T*F)。esfile拷文件 600KB/s, 5G稍微强点。不过系统貌似还比较流畅。local
streaming 什么的都是瞬间打开,估计跟纸面配置有关,有空再慢慢玩。
发帖数: 1245
Another difference between the X7 and many (but not all) other RK3188
devices is it's external antenna. Some sticks have an external antenna but
most sticks are limited to a tiny piece of wire inside the casing. The X7
has a rather large and somewhat ugly looking antenna. Compared to my T428,
the WIFI reception/range is better, but the speed is more or less identical,
both connect at 65mbit in close range and give about 3-4mbyte/sec
throughput. Both the T428 and X7 use the same WIFI/BT chipset: AP6330. Don't
expect "higher" WIFI speeds from the X7, just more range (and thus more
speed at longer ranges of course). Like the T428, the X7 also supports 5ghz
802.11n. This might be useful if you live in an area crowded with 2.4ghz
base stations. Throughput seems a bit faster at 4-5mbyte/sec.
Still... this is quite far from the speeds I can achieve with a decent
laptop (such as my macbook pro) and what the 11n standard claims it can
reach. I'm not exactly sure why all rockchip sticks I've tried have such low
WIFI speeds. The ones with realteks say they connect up to 150mbit or so,
but I haven't seen any throughput higher than those of the AP6330, it's
always in the range of 3-5mbyte/sec, so those connect speed numbers can be
deceiving. I suspect it's because all of these devices are single antenna,
while to gain full 11n performance you'd need 3 antennas. Additionally they
probably only have a single transmitter as well, while full performance can
be gained with 4 transmitters:
Other mobile devices, such as my Sony phone, seem to have similar
configurations though (without 5ghz support even).
If you really want to make sure your connection is stable, you can use the
built-in ethernet port, which has about 8-10mbyte/sec throughput. Alas no
1000mbit ethernet, but 100mbit should be sufficient for most purposes.
发帖数: 69
1 (共1页)
fire TV stick 深度讨论全世界第一个四核a12闪亮登场
四核电视棒来了。。 2G 内存 蓝牙4.0 android 4.2三妹出品的ouya机终于让我理顺了。
这些电视盒子也就是天朝特色.Crack berry, MiniX N7的问题
这个降到80 我就入了金亚致家2,一个比较值得买的国内盒子
我觉得电视盒子Why Do We Need Intel's Compute Stick?
有Minix x8-h基友吗?发个小白鼠使用感言有用过这一款 Android TV Box 的吗?
四核电视棒Rockchip RK3188 32bit内存位宽rk3188的tv stick怎样?
话题: wifi话题: x7话题: throughput话题: t428话题: antenna