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PennySaver版 - CVS: FREE Frito Lay chips
有谁验证过CVS Frito Lay ECB DealRA这周怎么买?20 Up exp 11/17
cvs 的frito lay小白鼠归来,大家看看~啥问题CVS:3-14~~3.20 滚ecb这个不错
这个有人试过么?CVS DEAL 15 bags of Chips FREE!Check Emails: CVS $10 ECB Email Survey
Target免费的lipton tea, 下周CVS便宜的 Lipton tea, Skippy今晚CVS三个奇特经历
大妈们搞ps 不去搞amazon的油?CVS免费的花生怎么买?
Can CVS 25% coupon used on unadvertised clearance?今天CVS喜忧参半啊
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[dead]sfw便宜的kettle cooked chips被CVS歧视了
话题: ecb话题: chips话题: frito话题: lay话题: sunflower
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 103
There is a great promo on signs at CVS on Frito Lay Chips and Sunflower
Seeds. Since it is unadvertised in the flyer, I would look for signs on the
shelf in case there is an issue with the ECB printing…
Buy 3 Frito Lay Chips or Sunflower Seed, get $1 ECB (limit 5)
It appears to be working in the small bags of chips (for now… could change
at anytime!)
Frito Lay single serve Chips 3/$1
get $1 ECB wyb 3
FREE after ECB!
* you can do this 5 times or basically get 15 bags for FREE!
OR mix and match with the Sunflower Seeds or peanuts which are also $0.50:
Sunflower Seeds or peanuts $0.50
get $1 ECB wyb 3
3/$0.50 after ECB
thanks MustLoveCoupons
So give it a shot when you are picking up the other CVS deals this week. Let
me know how you make out.
发帖数: 15312


【在 l**********a 的大作中提到】
: There is a great promo on signs at CVS on Frito Lay Chips and Sunflower
: Seeds. Since it is unadvertised in the flyer, I would look for signs on the
: shelf in case there is an issue with the ECB printing…
: Buy 3 Frito Lay Chips or Sunflower Seed, get $1 ECB (limit 5)
: It appears to be working in the small bags of chips (for now… could change
: at anytime!)
: Frito Lay single serve Chips 3/$1
: get $1 ECB wyb 3
: FREE after ECB!
: * you can do this 5 times or basically get 15 bags for FREE!

发帖数: 13821
发帖数: 183
unluck, NO ECB back in our area

【在 M*********8 的大作中提到】
: repost
: the
: change

1 (共1页)
被CVS歧视了大妈们搞ps 不去搞amazon的油?
FREE Reese’s Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Egg!Can CVS 25% coupon used on unadvertised clearance?
问下明天的CVS pepsi buy $20 get $10 ecbCVS email coupon免费body wash or chocolate chips
本周CVS30%off什么值得买?[dead]sfw便宜的kettle cooked chips
有谁验证过CVS Frito Lay ECB DealRA这周怎么买?20 Up exp 11/17
cvs 的frito lay小白鼠归来,大家看看~啥问题CVS:3-14~~3.20 滚ecb这个不错
这个有人试过么?CVS DEAL 15 bags of Chips FREE!Check Emails: CVS $10 ECB Email Survey
Target免费的lipton tea, 下周CVS便宜的 Lipton tea, Skippy今晚CVS三个奇特经历
话题: ecb话题: chips话题: frito话题: lay话题: sunflower