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Piebridge版 - 中国剩女满地是,猥琐男们不要急
今天早上today show说中国剩女现象Leftover Women of China - From CBS
原来“剩女”这个词是这么火起来的 (conspiracy theory)东部统计小硕- 女征男
这期businessweek 都研究中国剩女了man
foreign policy 也讨论中国剩女了。。。哈猥琐男找漂亮老婆注定悲剧
Leftovers who still want to marry PHDmy 2cents on为什么版上都是女征男居多
To those who make fun of Yangearlybirdie搞错一件事,女性经济独立根本无助于寻找不搀杂过多干 扰因素的婚姻。
new jargon: leftover公开征集证人受害人-调查犯罪嫌疑人Cheng Chen-征婚骗子
话题: she话题: katherine话题: says话题: women话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5697
(CBS News) BEIJING - At a book party in Beijing, American author Joy Chen
offered dating advice for Chinese women.
"If (you) are on a date," she said, "presenting how awesome and impressive
we are at work might not be the best way to impress a man."
Chen, a former deputy mayor of Los Angeles and a successful businesswoman,
is the author of the Chinese language book, "Do Not Marry Before Age 30," in
which she urges women to pursue their careers while postponing marriage.
But that can be a risky strategy in China, where single women over 30, and
even in their mid- to-late 20s, can find themselves branded as "leftover
"When they go to work, people call them leftovers to their face," Chen notes.
She says these women are trapped between the present and thousands of years
of Chinese history.
If they're 31 and not married, they're considered over the hill, and that's
"a complete travesty!" Chen exclaims. "These women are just women who've
been playing by the rules, achieving as they've been taught to achieve since
they were little, getting great grades, going off to great schools, getting
great jobs."
Then, in their mid-20s, she says, the rules change.
"And then, suddenly, it's like Bammo! Wham! No! Don't achieve -- you don't
want to scare the boys. Slow down and jump back into your traditional roles
as a wife and a mother."
The problem is, that's not easy.
Katherine Zhou spent her 20s and early 30s working on her career. Now 35,
she says she can't get a date, much less a husband. Chinese men, she says,
want younger, more subservient wives.
"Maybe a younger girl is more naive and easy-going," Katherine speculates.
She says many men find her intimidating. "I'm quite an independent. Maybe
this is one of the reasons a person is afraid to be with me."
Katherine says she learned those qualities from her parents. Until she finds
a husband, she's living with them. Which means she feels constant pressure
from her mother, who says at this point, she'd be happy if Katherine married
a frog.
"They think I'm too picky!" Katherine laughs.
But she says she's only interested in finding true love. "I believe there's
still somebody waiting for me, and that we're just looking for each other!"
Katherine says.
But, as a leftover woman, she worries it might be too late -- at the ripe
old age of 35.
China's government has even made the term "leftover women" an official part
of the language.
发帖数: 110
2B 外F 女
发帖数: 3387
never marry 剩女
发帖数: 5697
I like Katherine Zhou, she is pretty hot
can anyone hook me up with her?
发帖数: 15912
发帖数: 6788
LOL。 Show me how many successful American women of 35+ find their "true
love" who make more money than they do, who are more successful than they
are, and at the same time, tall, handsome, smart and considerate.
Condoleezza Rice came to mind as I'm typing these words. Oh wait, she's yet
to find her "true love".
1 (共1页)
公开征集证人受害人-调查犯罪嫌疑人Cheng Chen-征婚骗子
Who wanna go to the EASON CHEN's concert in LasVegas?Leftovers who still want to marry PHD
转帖: 别在30岁前结婚To those who make fun of Yang
Nathan Chen拿了全美 Jr.花样滑冰的冠军 (转载)new jargon: leftover
今天早上today show说中国剩女现象Leftover Women of China - From CBS
原来“剩女”这个词是这么火起来的 (conspiracy theory)东部统计小硕- 女征男
这期businessweek 都研究中国剩女了man
foreign policy 也讨论中国剩女了。。。哈猥琐男找漂亮老婆注定悲剧
话题: she话题: katherine话题: says话题: women话题: chinese