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Postdoc版 - 美国普渡大学招收量子光力学和冷原子相关方向博士后
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求审稿机会!光电探测,Photodetector, APD, Lidar方面的。
Cover Lett
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北大物理招聘博后工资高达20万及教授年薪高达55万加房补 (转载)
Invitation of applications for postdoc in CUHK (转载)
Optical coherence tomography 这个方向如何?
话题: tongcang话题: li话题: quantum话题: photons话题: atoms
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
The Purdue University’s Quantum Foundations and Quantum Photonics
Laboratory (Prof. Tongcang Li’s group) has open positions for self-
motivated excellent postdocs, graduate students, visiting students and
visiting scholars starting from 08/2014.
Tongcang Li
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
Email: t**[email protected]
Selected publications:
1. Peng Zhang, Tongcang Li, Jie Zhu, et al. Nature Communications,
forthcoming (2014)
2. S. Kheifets, A. Simha, K. Melin, Tongcang Li, M. G. Raizen. Science, 343
, 1493 (2014)
3. Tongcang Li, Z.-X. Gong, Z.-Q. Yin, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 163001
(2012) (cover story)
4. Peng Zhang, Yi Hu, Tongcang Li, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 193901 (
2012) (cover story)
5. Tongcang Li, Simon Kheifets, Mark G. Raizen, Nature Physics, 7, 527 (
6. Tongcang Li, S. Kheifets, D. Medellin, and M. G. Raizen. Science, 328,
1673 (2010)
Research topics include but are not limited to:
1. Quantum spin-optomechanics of levitated nanodiamonds
A levitated nanodiamond with a built-in NV center is an analog of an atom
trapped in vacuum, but provides a much larger mass for studying macroscopic
quantum mechanics. It eliminates the physical contact inherent to clamped
cantilevers and has internal electronic states for convenient quantum
control. These properties enable unprecedented force sensitivity and the
creation of large spatial superposition states. These large spatial
superposition states can be used to study objective collapse theories of
quantum mechanics, which propose that the Schrodinger equation is only an
approximate theory that breaks down when objects above a critical mass are
delocalized over a critical distance.
2. Interfacing cold atoms and plasmonic nanostructures
The coupling between atoms and photons is essential for many applications
in quantum information science. Here we plan to couple atoms to nano-
plasmonic structures. Because of their large negative electric permittivity,
metallic structures can support plasmonic resonances that confine photons
below diffraction limit. This strong confinement of photons can
enhance the interacting between photons and atoms, reduce the size of the
device, and thus increase the scalability for studying quantum optics and
many-body physics.
1 (共1页)
Optical coherence tomography 这个方向如何?
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话题: tongcang话题: li话题: quantum话题: photons话题: atoms