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PsychoAnalysis版 - Re: 没有办法,还是在发病。
My depressionRe: Why do we feel depressed?
bipolar with psychosis发病经历Depression
Bipolar with psychosis 三个月回顾我今天上午的经历Re: 抑郁就像是片沼泽地
Mental Health (for educating, BM pls mark) (转载)Breaking the Patterns of Depression-CH13
super depressionRe:爱上陌生人
不知道这种表现有没有一个名字appreciate your life -- 珍惜拥有 (谈谈我的体会)
话题: now话题: sleep话题: hypromanic话题: even话题: ruminate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 911
go for some excercises, such as jogging under the sunshine, hiking or climbing
the mountain. When u body is tired, u will fall into sleep naturely. Even u
can't sleep, that is ok, just don't ruminate about bad things.
I guess now u r a little hypromanic now. u'd better be aware of it and control
it, so that ur later depression will be lighter.
and listening to beautiful music, :)
good luck!

发帖数: 263
hypomania feels very good, I miss it.:) I have been in hypomania for 25 yrs,
which made me intelligent, creative, confidant and energetic. nothing bad
about it except it developed into full blown manic episode this year. Now I
cannot get back to the hypomanic state where I was before after my full blown
depression episode, so I feel I am very stupid, shy and slow. :( I wish I can
get back to hypomanic state...
What you have is possibily too much anxiety. I still think you should ask the
doctor f

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: go for some excercises, such as jogging under the sunshine, hiking or climbing
: the mountain. When u body is tired, u will fall into sleep naturely. Even u
: can't sleep, that is ok, just don't ruminate about bad things.
: I guess now u r a little hypromanic now. u'd better be aware of it and control
: it, so that ur later depression will be lighter.
: and listening to beautiful music, :)
: good luck!
: 以

1 (共1页)
发几个术语及我的经历分享super depression
Single workout can lift mood in depressed patients (转载)不知道这种表现有没有一个名字
Do I have depression?Bipolar五个月
My depressionRe: Why do we feel depressed?
bipolar with psychosis发病经历Depression
Bipolar with psychosis 三个月回顾我今天上午的经历Re: 抑郁就像是片沼泽地
Mental Health (for educating, BM pls mark) (转载)Breaking the Patterns of Depression-CH13
话题: now话题: sleep话题: hypromanic话题: even话题: ruminate