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QueerNews版 - GOP州长:非基督徒不是我的兄弟姐妹
Karl Rove could see GOP candidate supporting gay marriage in 2016Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "
我覺得我對基督教的看法可能是錯的 (转载)No Hold on Gay Immigration Cases
Perry是民主党?!Christian Bale was roughed up by guards in China
Zach Wahls Lobbies Congress To Support Families Like His那个林书豪竟然是个虔诚的基督徒
John Travolta Had Gay Relationship With His Pilot请问版规在那里?
Michael Moore: Mitt Romney Will Win In November极右电台:纳粹的目的是建立同性恋种族
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HRC “On the Road to Equality”每日一贴:indiana禁止同性婚姻又进一步
话题: his话题: bentley话题: christians话题: he话题: governor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley (R) commemorated the legacy of the Rev. Martin
Luther King, Jr. on Monday, telling a gathering of Alabamians that he didn't
see skin color as a divisive factor. When it came to religion, however, the
recently-inaugurated governor raised some eyebrows with a comment on his
view of non-Christians in his state.
"So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'
m telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to
be your brother," Bentley said in his address, according to The Birmingham
News, after telling the congregation that he was "color blind."
Questioned by The News about the suggestive nature of his statement,
communications director Rebekah Caldwell Mason clarified, ''He is the
governor of all the people, Christians, non-Christians alike."
While Bentley himself promised to become "the governor of all the people" on
Monday, the new governor was never shy about his Christian faith during his
campaign (he is a deacon at his Baptist church in Tuscaloosa and has been
supported by a number of religious leaders). Since winning in November, he
has also continued to tout his religious credentials on a variety of issues.
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每日一贴:indiana禁止同性婚姻又进一步John Travolta Had Gay Relationship With His Pilot
良知同学请进Michael Moore: Mitt Romney Will Win In November
我宣布我从今天起成为Obama总统的铁杆粉丝了HRC “On the Road to Equality”
Karl Rove could see GOP candidate supporting gay marriage in 2016Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "
我覺得我對基督教的看法可能是錯的 (转载)No Hold on Gay Immigration Cases
Perry是民主党?!Christian Bale was roughed up by guards in China
Zach Wahls Lobbies Congress To Support Families Like His那个林书豪竟然是个虔诚的基督徒
话题: his话题: bentley话题: christians话题: he话题: governor