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QueerNews版 - 周丹 one of the INSTINCT 2011 LEADING MEN
National Organization for MarriageIN OBAMA WE TRUST
很无知的问个问题Equal Rights Supporter Quinn Leads for Ill. Gov.
为什么要批判中国政体,以同性恋运动为例Taiwan Could Lead Asia With Full Recognition of Gay Rights
Prop. 8 sponsors are legally entitled to defend measure, court rulesdowntown示威正在进行 (转载)
美国各州同性婚姻历史发展图大家一起支持Chick-fil-A (转载)
十一个州因“总统厕所令”起诉奥巴马 (转载)同性婚姻的滑坡(中)
Instinct: GOP And Proud?Wyo. Advances Anti–Gay Marriage Bill
话题: leading话题: men话题: man话题: 2011话题: 周丹
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2153
Leading Men 2011
Martin Luther King, Jr. famously remarked, “the ultimate measure of a man
is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he
stands at times of challenge and controversy.” It would be hard for anyone
to deny the challenging times we all have faced of late, yet from a year of
struggle for many has come great achievement for all. 2011 Brought our
community the end of a decades-long discriminatory military policy, greater
marriage equality recognition across the country and a louder, stronger,
more visible presence worldwide. And many of the lgbt advancements this past
year can be directly attributed to the 20 gentlemen we honor in instinct’s
2011 leading men issue. They shattered stereotypes, demanded action and
attention and, in some cases, put their own safety at risk in the name of
helping others. They now join the 145 past honorees over our previous seven
years of recognizing leading men—proudly showing the world what character
and virtues a true leading man embodies.
Instinct's 2011 Leading Men Include...
Rick Welts: The Game Changer
Carl Siciliano: The Father Figure
Jason Bowers: The Prom King
Mark Ng: The Benevolent Banker
Daniel Hernandez: The Guardian Intern
Bronson Lemer: The Soldier Scribe
Thomas Glave: The Queer Liberator
Adam Price: The High School Hero
Dr. Tony Miles: The Archivist Activist
Travis Wall: The Dance Man
Doug Sanborn: The Corporate Partner
Sean Chapin: The Social-Media Moderator
Rep. Greg Harris: The Civil Servant
Herman Chan: The Anti-Bully
Chad Griffin: The One You Want On Your Side
Josh Berman: The Man Behind The Diva
Bob Smith: The Stand-Up Guy
Jared Max: The Supreme Sportsman
Zhou Dan: The Cultural Revolutionary
Chris Willis: The Anthemic Voice
1 (共1页)
Wyo. Advances Anti–Gay Marriage BillProp. 8 sponsors are legally entitled to defend measure, court rules
Md. Panel Advances Marriage Bill美国各州同性婚姻历史发展图
Colo. Advances Civil Unions Bill十一个州因“总统厕所令”起诉奥巴马 (转载)
A Decade of Data-Driven AdvancesInstinct: GOP And Proud?
National Organization for MarriageIN OBAMA WE TRUST
很无知的问个问题Equal Rights Supporter Quinn Leads for Ill. Gov.
为什么要批判中国政体,以同性恋运动为例Taiwan Could Lead Asia With Full Recognition of Gay Rights
话题: leading话题: men话题: man话题: 2011话题: 周丹