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Reader版 - Lake Wobegon Days by Garrison Keillor
推荐一些有助于培养幽默感的英文书?问一个podcast的问题 (转载)
推荐点提高英语听力的东西?Of Course: Obama Displayed as Crucified Christ at ‘Art’ Exhibit
He will never be my president because ...自信, 就是相信自己可以做得比别人更好
提高英语口语的几点体会a $1,600 portrait, to sell for $30M?
Don't Blame The Quant -- Steven Shreve (zz)忽然想起
【$】The Tom Lehrer Collection [cd] $2 $1 MP3 Credit FSRare-Earth and Non-Rare-Earth Magnets
看看大陆,就知道Minnesota Nice多可贵了。Today's Grade-Inflated, Lake Wobegon World; Letter Grade of A Now Most Common College Grade
话题: keillor话题: lake话题: wobegon话题: days话题: garrison
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4445
First impressed by Keillor by a talk he gave on PBS, which kept me laughing
for an hour. Then I bought the book, and finished most of it over a trip --
mostly during the night stuck at Denver airport. The book gave a humorous
depiction of the lifestyle and mores in the fictitious town called Lake
Wobegon, Minnesota.
Comment: Two attitudes seem to be universal: cosmopolitanism in cities, and
conservatism in the countryside. The American version of conservatism is not
that different from t
发帖数: 92
Support. We need new topic to talk about. Will go for this book tonight.

【在 t*******n 的大作中提到】
: First impressed by Keillor by a talk he gave on PBS, which kept me laughing
: for an hour. Then I bought the book, and finished most of it over a trip --
: mostly during the night stuck at Denver airport. The book gave a humorous
: depiction of the lifestyle and mores in the fictitious town called Lake
: Wobegon, Minnesota.
: Comment: Two attitudes seem to be universal: cosmopolitanism in cities, and
: conservatism in the countryside. The American version of conservatism is not
: that different from t

1 (共1页)
unidentified_titleDon't Blame The Quant -- Steven Shreve (zz)
泥麻全球估计只有中国球迷还没开球先说【$】The Tom Lehrer Collection [cd] $2 $1 MP3 Credit FS
这个版是搞广播剧的吗看看大陆,就知道Minnesota Nice多可贵了。
Re: 1/2的美国人智商低于平均值 (转载)一门本科生的课
推荐一些有助于培养幽默感的英文书?问一个podcast的问题 (转载)
推荐点提高英语听力的东西?Of Course: Obama Displayed as Crucified Christ at ‘Art’ Exhibit
He will never be my president because ...自信, 就是相信自己可以做得比别人更好
提高英语口语的几点体会a $1,600 portrait, to sell for $30M?
话题: keillor话题: lake话题: wobegon话题: days话题: garrison