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Running版 - Asafa Powell breaks 100m world record
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话题: powell话题: asafa话题: record话题: world话题: 100m
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 361
ROME (AFP) — Jamaican Asafa Powell set a new men's world 100m record of 9.
74sec at the IAAF Grand Prix at Rieti, Italy, on Sunday, beating his old
mark of 9.77 set in Athens in June 2005.
The 24-year-old Powell had predicted in Stockholm at the beginning of August
that he felt he was capable of beating the world record this year.
When asked about his physical limits, he said they were around "9.74 or 9.73
, even below 9.70."
Powell dominated the race ahead of Norway's Saidy Ndure Jaysuma (10.07
1 (共1页)
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话题: powell话题: asafa话题: record话题: world话题: 100m