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Running版 - [不爽]今天 20 miles used 3 hr 20 minutes
[合集] 跑步戴护膝好么?请推荐最能保护膝盖的跑鞋
膝盖骨左右动造成疼痛怎么办? (转载)三度摇滚San Diego
奔一个 knee braceIllustration of Hip Running technique
请教knee brace对跑步关节痛有用吗?eve, 原来是你!(我的cim)
膝盖有怎样的感觉就是有问题啊?[合集] 今天long run
Ice works after long run大人们教教我怎么跑前脚掌着地吧
话题: knee话题: drained话题: my话题: long话题: 20
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 516
Sneaked out before lunch for 20 mile long run and hoped to finish it plus a
shower in 3 hours. Ended up it took 3 hours 20 minutes to get back to the
I think the knee brace slowed me down about 25 seconds per mile, and drained
my energy.
发帖数: 4354
现在野人太多了,戴knee brace还跑20迈。。。


【在 m******g 的大作中提到】
: Sneaked out before lunch for 20 mile long run and hoped to finish it plus a
: shower in 3 hours. Ended up it took 3 hours 20 minutes to get back to the
: door.
: I think the knee brace slowed me down about 25 seconds per mile, and drained
: my energy.

发帖数: 4444
赞sneak out的胆量!
发帖数: 41236


【在 m******g 的大作中提到】
: Sneaked out before lunch for 20 mile long run and hoped to finish it plus a
: shower in 3 hours. Ended up it took 3 hours 20 minutes to get back to the
: door.
: I think the knee brace slowed me down about 25 seconds per mile, and drained
: my energy.

发帖数: 1250
发帖数: 12693


【在 m******g 的大作中提到】
: Sneaked out before lunch for 20 mile long run and hoped to finish it plus a
: shower in 3 hours. Ended up it took 3 hours 20 minutes to get back to the
: door.
: I think the knee brace slowed me down about 25 seconds per mile, and drained
: my energy.

发帖数: 4931
why the knee brace? if you are injured to the point that you need to wear
knee braces, you shouldn't run 20-milers at all. if you are not injured,
better not mess with such things - they are no good for you in the long term.


【在 m******g 的大作中提到】
: Sneaked out before lunch for 20 mile long run and hoped to finish it plus a
: shower in 3 hours. Ended up it took 3 hours 20 minutes to get back to the
: door.
: I think the knee brace slowed me down about 25 seconds per mile, and drained
: my energy.

发帖数: 516
My knee is not injured (yet), but had its wear and tear after 20 years of
variations of sports. My body protection system tends to shut me down by
giving me intolerable knee pain during the long run. The knee brace does
help to hold all the knee parts together and move the shock upwards. The
downside is that it reduces the length of each stride and make it harder.
The good thing is I do not observe any pain today as I normally did day
after the long run.


【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: why the knee brace? if you are injured to the point that you need to wear
: knee braces, you shouldn't run 20-milers at all. if you are not injured,
: better not mess with such things - they are no good for you in the long term.
: a
: drained

发帖数: 12977
I don't have your experience, but I strongly suspect that you may avoid
knee pain by watch out for your long run: if you feel tired and lose your
full control of your leg muscle, then you should stop; build up length of
your long run gradually.
Most knee injury is not due to running too long or too hard, it is due to
running with your muscles already giving up


【在 m******g 的大作中提到】
: My knee is not injured (yet), but had its wear and tear after 20 years of
: variations of sports. My body protection system tends to shut me down by
: giving me intolerable knee pain during the long run. The knee brace does
: help to hold all the knee parts together and move the shock upwards. The
: downside is that it reduces the length of each stride and make it harder.
: The good thing is I do not observe any pain today as I normally did day
: after the long run.
: term.

发帖数: 3290
That is the point. Exercise including running is a double-bladed knife with
regard to any joint. If you do it right, it help heel your joint pain. If
you do it wrong it causes joint pain.
My back shoulder used to hurt after a long bike ride. It was caused by my
incorrect riding posture during the early days of my cycling. Later, even I
fixed my bike fitting problem and improved by posture. It still won't go
away especially after a long ride. This year, I took kickboxing class to
build my core st

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: I don't have your experience, but I strongly suspect that you may avoid
: knee pain by watch out for your long run: if you feel tired and lose your
: full control of your leg muscle, then you should stop; build up length of
: your long run gradually.
: Most knee injury is not due to running too long or too hard, it is due to
: running with your muscles already giving up
: of
: harder.

发帖数: 516
Thanks for this great suggestion.

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: I don't have your experience, but I strongly suspect that you may avoid
: knee pain by watch out for your long run: if you feel tired and lose your
: full control of your leg muscle, then you should stop; build up length of
: your long run gradually.
: Most knee injury is not due to running too long or too hard, it is due to
: running with your muscles already giving up
: of
: harder.

1 (共1页)
我的2010:轻松跑步,严肃人生请教knee brace对跑步关节痛有用吗?
Dorsiflexed 和 Leaning Forward 是咋回事呢?膝盖有怎样的感觉就是有问题啊?
终于早上起床跑了,不容易啊Ice works after long run
[合集] 跑步戴护膝好么?请推荐最能保护膝盖的跑鞋
膝盖骨左右动造成疼痛怎么办? (转载)三度摇滚San Diego
奔一个 knee braceIllustration of Hip Running technique
话题: knee话题: drained话题: my话题: long话题: 20