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SDU版 - Two PhD positions are available immediately
can anyone help to put this ads on SDU BBS in China? Thanks.clay-polymer nanocomposite
Three PhD Research Assistantships: EE/ME/BioE/Math at UTK听了RPI的Linda Schadler的bg
Ph.D. research assistantships in Chemical Engineering at Lamar University聚乳酸薄膜袋"薄而强" 大学生创新成果喜人
two Researhc Assistantship openings available in Chemical Engineering departmnet at Lamar University求审稿机会(polymer chemistry, nanocomposite)
Chemical Eng. RA positioin (Texas)苏州纳米所招聘信息 (转载)
很传奇的关于J20的评论。。。Recruit PhD students in engineering education
真诚求文章review (polymer nanocomposite, surface modificationControls and Mechatronics Ph.D & Postdoc Positions available in TAMU
Postdoctoral Positions苏州纳米所招聘信息 (转载)
话题: two话题: phd话题: available话题: positions
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 687
Two Ph.D. research assistantships are available in Chemical Engineering
Department at Lamar University since fall 2008.
The assistantship lasts finishing his/her Ph.D. program with a maximum of 5
years. The candidate will mainly conduct research related to his/her
dissertation work on the “advanced materials, polymer, polymer
nanocomposites, environmental sustainability, energy harvesting/conversion,
nanodevices, etc” areas.
Interested candidates should send resume, copies of GRE orTOEFL (
1 (共1页)
苏州纳米所招聘信息 (转载)Chemical Eng. RA positioin (Texas)
求物理 nanomaterial & nanodevice 实验方向 review paper 机会!!多谢很传奇的关于J20的评论。。。
About In-State Tution in Iowa真诚求文章review (polymer nanocomposite, surface modification
nanodevice 背景求Intel做process的前辈内推的机会Postdoctoral Positions
can anyone help to put this ads on SDU BBS in China? Thanks.clay-polymer nanocomposite
Three PhD Research Assistantships: EE/ME/BioE/Math at UTK听了RPI的Linda Schadler的bg
Ph.D. research assistantships in Chemical Engineering at Lamar University聚乳酸薄膜袋"薄而强" 大学生创新成果喜人
two Researhc Assistantship openings available in Chemical Engineering departmnet at Lamar University求审稿机会(polymer chemistry, nanocomposite)
话题: two话题: phd话题: available话题: positions