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SanDiego版 - Post-Doc Positions at Pfizer
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formulation scientist在biotech/pharmaceutical company求职Pfizer Plans to Relocate to UK to Cut Tax Rate in Half
4th SABPA/ACS Chemistry Symposium工作机会:Marketing Analyst Position
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【通知】游行路线略有变化A part time Sales Person for a Chinese Travel Agency Needed
话题: pfizer话题: experience话题: biology话题: mechanisms话题: shrna
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 269
Please send in cover letter and CV to Nathan Lee: n**********[email protected]
Postdoctoral Positions in Pfizer Oncology, La Jolla CA
The post doctoral positions will be responsible for elucidating the
mechanism of action of existing Pfizer
portfolio compounds, ensuring that we have the appropriate patient selection
strategies for such
mechanisms, aligning the research into patient selection with the
appropriate diagnostic assay,
understanding mechanisms by which patients fail (or become resistant to)
Pfizer portfolio compounds and
developing the optimal combinations within the distinct mechanisms currently
being developed within the
Pfizer portfolio.
Position 1:
Combination therapy with targeted inhibitors will be very important in
cancer treatments as many cancers
utilize multiple pathways to gain oncogenicity as well as resistance. Hence
, it is very important to develop
treatment regimens that hit multiple targets. To understand how
interconnected signaling pathways are in
different cancer types, a systematic siRNA or shRNA library screening
platform will be used to help
determine synthetic lethality, and in turn uncover chemosensitizing targets.
The scope of this postdoctoral fellowship is to establish a siRNA or shRNA
library screening platform to be
used in conjunction with high throughput functional cell assay screens using
Pfizer compounds. The goal is
to gain insight to potential targets for combination therapy with targeted
inhibitors that can achieve
potentiating efficacy, or circumvent intrinsic resistance. Findings from
these screens will be followed up to
elucidate mechanisms of action of potentiating drug combinations for
publication. In addition, Postdoc will
identify potential biomarkers for further development.
* Experience with RNAi (siRNA or shRNA) technology highly preferred.
* Extensive practical tissue culture experience with human cells
* Experience with molecular biology including cloning, cell transfections
, and transduction
* Experience with ELISAs, Western immunoblots and proteomics
* Experience in utilization of tumor cell lines and in vivo tumor models
* Demonstrated knowledge in field of cancer biology
* Deep knowledge of signal transduction in tumor cells
* Proficiency in data entry/ analysis tools (including statistical
analysis) and software, and interpretation
of all Cancer Biology-related data
* Proficiency in assay automation and automated data analysis preferred
* Must be able to work in a team environment; have good communication
skills; able to present data at
project team meetings.
Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, or Immunology (or a
comparable biological science)
Duration of position is 2 years.
1 (共1页)
A part time Sales Person for a Chinese Travel Agency Neededpfizer又裁员了
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代友发招工广告Elisa Lam 遇害的酒店曾经发生过多起命案,恐怖如1408 (转载)
in vivo contract job in san diego【通知】游行路线略有变化
帮朋友问:找工作Mechanical Engineer, 生物材料方面有没有啥神物可以清除车上的白道道?
formulation scientist在biotech/pharmaceutical company求职Pfizer Plans to Relocate to UK to Cut Tax Rate in Half
4th SABPA/ACS Chemistry Symposium工作机会:Marketing Analyst Position
Qualcomm对面,Pacific Heights Blvd上的daycare如何?有建筑公司招人吗?
话题: pfizer话题: experience话题: biology话题: mechanisms话题: shrna