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SanDiego版 - Looking for some startup opportunities
诚征san diego创业合作人请问有人跟我一起合办“华人卡”吗?
who has spare functional ATT 2wire modem?本地发展迅速的创业公司诚招 Director of Engineering
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San Diego相比湾区怎么样?内推Taoglas
06-26 版聚 Financial Analyst/Finance Manager在那里做mini cooper service?
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Sr. General Ledger Accountant opportunity回国卖2009 Mini Cooper
Qualcomm job opportunity refer板上的.net developer和sql server大牛们
话题: looking话题: good话题: idea话题: startup
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3922
【 以下文字转载自 StartUp 讨论区 】
发信人: someone2011 (some one), 信区: StartUp
标 题: Looking for some startup opportunities
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 22 04:23:40 2013, 美东)
I currently work for a small company, manage the IT department with 150
engineers and a server centers with about 1000 servers.
Looking for some opportunities to cooperate with someone who have good
business idea or good project to develop even though the idea might not be
mature enough, but I can spare a very small group of engineers (like 10 or
20) to write the source code, and at least 20 to 40 servers for testing or
initial production.
If the idea/project is good, under mutual agreement, I can provide all those
resource for free during the initial development phase.
If you are interested, please send me message for further discussion.
If you are not interested, please ignore my message, no time to argue with
anybody nor would like to provide further information.
发帖数: 1980
Sounds good. Although technically, the resources are not "free" because the
"mutual agreement" probably involves monetary or equity exchanges. But it
is still good for people who are resource constrained, otherwise there are
always elance/freelancer/odesk and AWS where you get more accountability if
things do not work out.

【在 w*****g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 StartUp 讨论区 】
: 发信人: someone2011 (some one), 信区: StartUp
: 标 题: Looking for some startup opportunities
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 22 04:23:40 2013, 美东)
: I currently work for a small company, manage the IT department with 150
: engineers and a server centers with about 1000 servers.
: Looking for some opportunities to cooperate with someone who have good
: business idea or good project to develop even though the idea might not be
: mature enough, but I can spare a very small group of engineers (like 10 or
: 20) to write the source code, and at least 20 to 40 servers for testing or

发帖数: 3922


【在 p********r 的大作中提到】
: Sounds good. Although technically, the resources are not "free" because the
: "mutual agreement" probably involves monetary or equity exchanges. But it
: is still good for people who are resource constrained, otherwise there are
: always elance/freelancer/odesk and AWS where you get more accountability if
: things do not work out.

1 (共1页)
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诚征san diego创业合作人请问有人跟我一起合办“华人卡”吗?
who has spare functional ATT 2wire modem?本地发展迅速的创业公司诚招 Director of Engineering
哪个地方修车把手便宜?招聘动向:从equal opportunity到affirmative action
San Diego相比湾区怎么样?内推Taoglas
话题: looking话题: good话题: idea话题: startup