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SanDiego版 - 请提醒有手机的孩子不要转chain mail和网上安全信息
san diego哪有订做蛋糕并送货上门的吗最近有没有MM组织团购玫瑰花水?
有LA和SD两地分居的couple吗?SCA5,House of cards, 以及美国的议会政治 (转载)
求早餐, brunch推荐, 在线等help!帮一个马上要从国内过来的女孩找合租房
增肥进行时! 今天的晚餐。。。San Diego Mayor Bob Filner asked to resign
landscaping questionOFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE 出来了。。。
弱问:SD哪里有卖好吃的生日蛋糕的,谢谢!去BIG BEAR SNOW SUMMIT 滑雪要租SNOW CHAIN么?
哈,晚饭吃了$220 ... (转载)最震撼的車禍影片(限制級 慎入) (转载)
话题: he话题: message话题: she话题: my话题: me
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5637
今天收到一个孩子同学家长的信,说孩子收到恐怖的chain text message。如果你的孩
Hello -
My daughter is in XXX’s class with your child. This morning, she received a
particularly scary chain mail message (through text message) . I've pasted
the message below. I understand that the circulation of these messages is
becoming more frequent lately. Until now, most have been fairly innocuous,
but the one below clearly goes too far.
I found this resources about talking to kids about upsetting online content
on the NetSafe.org website:
I've asked my daughter to share any messages she receives with me so we can
talk about them. I've also instructed her not to start of forward chain mail
messages. I'm hoping if we all discourage our children from starting and
forwarding chain messages, we can put an end to this.
Thank you, in advance, for your support. Let me know if I can help in any
XXX’s Mom
Message received today:

Today at 11:13 AM
Hello my name is Jackson. On my fourth birthday we went to a fair. I got
lost and could not find my parents. 1 hour of searching went by when someone
grabbed me and threw me into his van. He took me to his house and beat me
with a axe until I died. No one could find my body because he buried me in a
dessert. I then later returned as a ghost 8 years later when I was 12. I
went to his house and killed him. A girl named Loran got this message. She
laughed and deleted it. I later came to her house and killed her and buried
her in a dessert. A boy named Leo read this message and sent It to only 5
people. Not a smart boy. That night his TV got fuzzy and he saw a shape of
me in the door way. He thought he was seeing things. He went back to sleep.
When he woke up he was locked in my underground dungeon. Another Girl named
Zoe read this message. She was freaked out by it. She sent it to 25 people.
(10 people more than you are supposed to.) Every night I check In on her to
make sure she is ok. Send this to 15 people in 5 minutes or suffer. If u don
't believe this then you will suffer. I wish you luck:) Your time starts in
3 2 1 go!
1 (共1页)
最震撼的車禍影片(限制級 慎入) (转载)增肥进行时! 今天的晚餐。。。
咋完全没感觉。。。landscaping question
包子答谢: 上次有人推荐的那个好的日本人gardener能再发一次吗?弱问:SD哪里有卖好吃的生日蛋糕的,谢谢!
决定file a complain about a lawer-却被恐吓 (转载)哈,晚饭吃了$220 ... (转载)
san diego哪有订做蛋糕并送货上门的吗最近有没有MM组织团购玫瑰花水?
有LA和SD两地分居的couple吗?SCA5,House of cards, 以及美国的议会政治 (转载)
求早餐, brunch推荐, 在线等help!帮一个马上要从国内过来的女孩找合租房
话题: he话题: message话题: she话题: my话题: me