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SanDiego版 - My open letter to Mr. Block - Just sent (转载)
UCLA的官方反应 (转载)让本版某些人失望了,人家要道歉了
pell placeFirst victory
Pell Place in Carmel Valley 能买不?UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了 (转载)
International Scholar Office (ISO) screwed up my H1-b renewal也请那些创造喜剧单数复数特指的同学勇敢出来道歉 (转载
Meeting with Senator Marty Block Town Hall @ OceanAir 10/02有local news报道UCSD事件了 (转载)
有关Pacific Highland Ranch!!!UCSD事件急需帮助!!!
明天要记得去投票UCSD Chancellor Marye Anne Fox is Stepping down in Summer
UCSD Intern OppotunityUCSD Welcomes New Chancellor
话题: racial话题: ucla话题: chancellor话题: admissions
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1208
【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: yariguy (yari guy), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: My open letter to Mr. Block - Just sent
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 26 16:20:25 2014, 美东)
I urge all UCLA parents and alumni send your letters and emails to
chancellor Block.
Mr. Chancellor, I read your open letter on Proposition 209 with horror and
disappointment. As a chancellor at a world class institution, how come you
simply ignore the statistical facts, ignore the 14th amendment of the U.S.
constitution and ignore the voice of California voters who overwhelmingly
approved the ban of using racial preference in college admissions.
Since the passage of Proposition 209, California's public colleges and
universities have embraced real diversity on campus through race-neutral
alternatives, such as accepting the top percentage of students at all high
schools, using socioeconomic consideration in admissions, adding mentorship
and outreach to underperforming schools, dropping legacy preferences and
expanding need-based scholarships. Although the share of underrepresented
minorities in the UC system dropped from 20% before the ban to 18.6% in 1997
, by 2008 it had rebounded to 25%, with an 18% rise in graduation rates
among minorities. The numbers at the elite UC Berkeley and UCLA campuses
have not fully recovered to pre-Proposition 209 numbers, but they have made
considerable progress. Moreover, both were listed in U.S. News & World
Report's Economic Diversity Among the Top 25 Ranked Schools for the 2011-12
year, with the highest percentage of undergraduates receiving Pell grants.
Moreover, diversity is a noble idea but can’t be obtained at the expense of
equality and equal protection which is guaranteed under the U.S.
constitution and deeply rooted in American values. As a parent, I always
teach my kids these rights and values. Equality and equal access must come
first before diversity.
Racial preference in college admissions is not only morally wrong but also
counterproductive in practice. Prof. Richard Sander at your school wrote the
book “Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to
Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It”. Racial preference also
disrupts the teaching and value system under which we educate our children.
It’s condescending and causing racial tensions.
As a chancellor at UCLA, you are trying to address race-based AA at a wrong
place – the higher institution. The real solution should be at the K-12
level where every student should have the education he/she deserves.
Without such foundation, any AA policies at college level are just window-
dressing and political maneuvers.
No politician, public official or bureaucrat should be able to decide, based
on race, ethnicity or sex, who should receive special treatment and who can
be discriminated against. Each person has the right to be treated as a
unique individual based on his or her personal achievements and
characteristics. We as Americans must continue to insist on that right.
Best Regards,
发帖数: 7895
学生,可以问FEDERAL要钱,美名为“reduce achievement gap".


【在 y*****y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
: 发信人: yariguy (yari guy), 信区: LosAngeles
: 标 题: My open letter to Mr. Block - Just sent
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 26 16:20:25 2014, 美东)
: I urge all UCLA parents and alumni send your letters and emails to
: chancellor Block.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------
: Mr. Chancellor, I read your open letter on Proposition 209 with horror and
: disappointment. As a chancellor at a world class institution, how come you
: simply ignore the statistical facts, ignore the 14th amendment of the U.S.

发帖数: 104
1 (共1页)
UCSD Welcomes New ChancellorMeeting with Senator Marty Block Town Hall @ OceanAir 10/02
Nov 6 Election有关Pacific Highland Ranch
2011年Mira Mesa贫困县出炉了UCSD Intern Oppotunity
UCLA的官方反应 (转载)让本版某些人失望了,人家要道歉了
pell placeFirst victory
Pell Place in Carmel Valley 能买不?UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了 (转载)
International Scholar Office (ISO) screwed up my H1-b renewal也请那些创造喜剧单数复数特指的同学勇敢出来道歉 (转载
话题: racial话题: ucla话题: chancellor话题: admissions