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SanFrancisco版 - Pali Lookout Panorama (转载)
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话题: lookout话题: pali话题: panorama话题: island话题: bi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2318
【 以下文字转载自 Travel 讨论区 】
发信人: yeson (快乐着并幸福着...), 信区: Travel
标 题: Pali Lookout Panorama
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 24 22:25:52 2012, 美东)
Finally got some time to sort through tour photos for the last while - here
is a stitched one for Pali Lookout (one of my favorite spots).
发帖数: 2056


【在 y***n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Travel 讨论区 】
: 发信人: yeson (快乐着并幸福着...), 信区: Travel
: 标 题: Pali Lookout Panorama
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 24 22:25:52 2012, 美东)
: Finally got some time to sort through tour photos for the last while - here
: is a stitched one for Pali Lookout (one of my favorite spots).

发帖数: 2318
Agree with the Kauai part, Kauai's Puu o Kila Lookout is my most favorite
spot across the four islands. Still Pali Lookout stands out by its grandness
, in my opinion.
Big Island, I won't even go there twice.

【在 h****r 的大作中提到】
: 跟Kauai和大岛一比,这风景实在稀松平常。
: here

发帖数: 2056
There are even better scenic places in Kauai than Puu o Kila Lookout.
To find hidden gems in the big island, one needs time and SUV.


【在 y***n 的大作中提到】
: Agree with the Kauai part, Kauai's Puu o Kila Lookout is my most favorite
: spot across the four islands. Still Pali Lookout stands out by its grandness
: , in my opinion.
: Big Island, I won't even go there twice.

发帖数: 2318
You just want to make people feel regretful or what - list the so called
even better / gem places and I can tell if they're at all.

【在 h****r 的大作中提到】
: There are even better scenic places in Kauai than Puu o Kila Lookout.
: To find hidden gems in the big island, one needs time and SUV.
: grandness

发帖数: 2056
1. between half to an hour before sunset, half way to/from Puu o Kila
Lookout, overlook Niihau island.
2. Looking Napali coast from a boat.
3. Helicopter views, especially at the turn point from Napali coast to the
north shore.

【在 y***n 的大作中提到】
: You just want to make people feel regretful or what - list the so called
: even better / gem places and I can tell if they're at all.

发帖数: 2318

Niihau is just so so, didn't even take a photo.
It's pretty much a different view at the same Puu o Kila spot.
Again it's another different view at the same PoK spot, and the cockpit
glass will block camera lens taking high quality photos.
BTW, what are the gems for BI?

【在 h****r 的大作中提到】
: 1. between half to an hour before sunset, half way to/from Puu o Kila
: Lookout, overlook Niihau island.
: 2. Looking Napali coast from a boat.
: 3. Helicopter views, especially at the turn point from Napali coast to the
: north shore.

发帖数: 2056
The one I mentioned in #1 is probably most close to heaven, IMHO. It is not
about the small island, it is more like scene in Traditional Chinese poem
but you certainly may not find such place in China.
2. The #3 is not the same view at all as you thought, not napali coast, but
the turn point to overlook the north shore, absolutely stunning view.
Actually even look the an
Big island has way too many gems. Like a huge cliff formed bay view near
south point which has a drive way along the cliff. There probably are not
many scenic places in Hilo or Volcano national park to see. However both
Kona and the north west part of the Big island have some great views. Anyway
, too many of them, time to find them and enjoy them is needed.
I won't spend much time in Oahu though.

【在 y***n 的大作中提到】
: Niihau is just so so, didn't even take a photo.
: It's pretty much a different view at the same Puu o Kila spot.
: Again it's another different view at the same PoK spot, and the cockpit
: glass will block camera lens taking high quality photos.
: BTW, what are the gems for BI?

发帖数: 2318
Talking isn't convincing, show us photos of the stunning view or whatever /
hiding gems on BI.


【在 h****r 的大作中提到】
: The one I mentioned in #1 is probably most close to heaven, IMHO. It is not
: about the small island, it is more like scene in Traditional Chinese poem
: but you certainly may not find such place in China.
: 2. The #3 is not the same view at all as you thought, not napali coast, but
: the turn point to overlook the north shore, absolutely stunning view.
: Actually even look the an
: Big island has way too many gems. Like a huge cliff formed bay view near
: south point which has a drive way along the cliff. There probably are not
: many scenic places in Hilo or Volcano national park to see. However both
: Kona and the north west part of the Big island have some great views. Anyway

发帖数: 2056
No time now. You can google it yourself.
If you spent less than 6 days in BI, try go back one more time at least.
I won't hesitate to spent another 2 weeks in BI if I could.


【在 y***n 的大作中提到】
: Talking isn't convincing, show us photos of the stunning view or whatever /
: hiding gems on BI.
: not
: but
: Anyway

发帖数: 2318

【在 h****r 的大作中提到】
: No time now. You can google it yourself.
: If you spent less than 6 days in BI, try go back one more time at least.
: I won't hesitate to spent another 2 weeks in BI if I could.
: /

1 (共1页)
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话题: lookout话题: pali话题: panorama话题: island话题: bi