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SanFrancisco版 - Change联署:Petitioning Fox News: Dismiss Bob Beckel for Hi (转载)
The Orang Club关于Fox News辱华事件的声明 (转载)FOX主持Bob Beckel发表针对华人的歧视言论
南加AD66区候选人David Hadley声明谴责Bob Beckel辱华言论及其(转载)彩图惊艳:老色狼Bob Beckel招妓 (转载)
SCA-5是不是违宪?7月14日 UBC记者会谴责FOX电视台Bob Beckel反华裔言论
美亚团结促进会(UAAFA)关于SCA5的公开信AAPA/AAV/SVCA Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News host Bob Beckel
T恤缺一个比较理想的slogan美国国会众议员Mike Honda就FOX News Bob Beckel言论发表声明
你们加州的老中不是应该每年组织一个anti racial discrimination的游行?DFWCA(达拉斯华人联盟)谴责Fox电视台主持人辱华言论声明 (转载)
州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职打蛇打七寸:The Five节目的广告商名单(请接龙) (转载)
湾区UBC等5团体谴责福克斯电视主持人辱华言论声明MSN 投票: 还差200张, 要政客Bob Bechel辱华下台 (转载)
话题: beckel话题: news话题: mr话题: fox话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 442
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: tsla (微信号:CivilRights), 信区: Military
标 题: Change联署:Petitioning Fox News: Dismiss Bob Beckel for His Racist Comments Made on "The Five" Program
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 16 02:58:59 2014, 美东)
Mr. Bob Beckel made explicit racially discriminative comments towards
Chinese on a nationally televised program. Such insulting slur, as well as
those who use it recklessly and conveniently, should deserve no place at Fox
News. Moreover, Mr. Beckel’s comments are a classic example of
stereotyping and racial prejudice that would not only mislead the public
with such groundless accusations, but also obliterate the loyalty and
contributions Chinese immigrants have made to this great nation to date. It
is important for Fox News to know that it should never become a safe harbor
for such racially discriminative behaviors under the disguise of "Freedom of
Speech", or risks her reputation to be tarnished.
FOX News
On July 10, 2014, Mr. Bob Beckel made racially discriminative comments on
nationally televised program "The Five". This is completely unacceptable.
Such insulting slur, as well as those who use it recklessly and conveniently
, should deserve no place at Fox News. Moreover, Mr. Beckel’s comments are
a classic example of stereotyping and racial prejudice that would not only
mislead the public with such groundless accusations, but also obliterate the
loyalty and contributions Chinese immigrants have made to this great nation
to date. Fox News should never become a safe harbor for such racially
discriminative behaviors under the disguise of "Freedom of Speech", or risks
her reputation to be tarnished.
It seems to have become a trend and occupational hazard that from time to
time, certain racially prejudiced people at news outlet would pick on the
under-represented and poke Chinese American’s in the eye. They need to be
told that there are tens of thousands of Chinese American professionals
working at the best hi-tech companies in this country and producing the most
essential technologies that enable the selfie-driven life style that Mr.
Beckel and his equally ignorant co-hosts and their families enjoy on daily
basis – Yes, if you are smart enough to know what a smart phone is, Mr.
Beckel, every single smart phone in American contains the circuitry designed
by a Chinese American engineer.
We call for Mr. Beckel resignation or dismissal, and a formal apology by Fox
News to Chinese American communities across the country for the lack of
moral standard and judgment in its program. We demand that Fox News review
its programs to avoid becoming a venue for racists like Mr. Beckel in the
[Your name]
发帖数: 4371
做一些实在点的东西吧。比如说,列出FOX news的广告商清单。
发帖数: 8094

【在 M*******c 的大作中提到】
: 做一些实在点的东西吧。比如说,列出FOX news的广告商清单。
: 取消他们的服务并且告诉他们原因。说的多了,自然有人会买单的。
: 而且,从日常里一点一滴的积累。比如说,有人说了唐人街的脏乱问题。
: 要别人尊敬,自己也要做的更好

1 (共1页)
MSN 投票: 还差200张, 要政客Bob Bechel辱华下台 (转载)T恤缺一个比较理想的slogan
星期二中午圣荷西市政府门前,反对Bob Beckel 游行!请置顶你们加州的老中不是应该每年组织一个anti racial discrimination的游行?
Sample letter to sponsors of Fox News州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职
The Orang Club关于Fox News辱华事件的声明 (转载)FOX主持Bob Beckel发表针对华人的歧视言论
南加AD66区候选人David Hadley声明谴责Bob Beckel辱华言论及其(转载)彩图惊艳:老色狼Bob Beckel招妓 (转载)
SCA-5是不是违宪?7月14日 UBC记者会谴责FOX电视台Bob Beckel反华裔言论
美亚团结促进会(UAAFA)关于SCA5的公开信AAPA/AAV/SVCA Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News host Bob Beckel
话题: beckel话题: news话题: mr话题: fox话题: chinese