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SanFrancisco版 - 希拉里要把所有非法移民合法化啊,合法移民却不管
3/1多州初选:#BernieSanders (转载)lawmakers would introduce an immigration reform bill "very (转载)
2/20 NEVADA初选:#BernieSanders (转载)Evangelicals也支持给非法移民公民身份了 (转载)
民主党总统股市年均+11%,共和党总统股市年均+2.7%跟风说说 国人和老印职场比较。
非法移民的好日子:Dream Act快成功啦搞SCA5确实是民主党的大阴谋
4.2billion的tax credit送给了无法工作的非法移民问个问题:undocumented学生怎么上UC?
another film in planningWhite House grants undocumented military relatives legal st (转载)
看看非法移民是怎么拿tax refund的.湾区 vs. 洛杉矶
来探亲的父母,没有绿卡,能申请medi-cal吗?申请CA驾照竟然说没有legal presence documents,急求助!!
话题: clinton话题: rubio话题: who话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 182
Hillary Clinton presses advantage on immigration
Hillary Clinton talks immigration reform with 9th grade student Betsaida
Frausto in Las Vegas. (Photo credit: Mike Blake/Reuters)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sought to seize an
advantage over Republicans Tuesday on the issue of immigration, accusing
those who talk of “legal status” of wanting to denigrate undocumented
“When they talk about legal status, that is code for second class status,”
Clinton said at a small event in Las Vegas, where she conducted a
conversation with six young Latino residents of Nevada.
Clinton said that if elected president, she would “go even further” than
President Obama has in granting provisional legal status to millions of
undocumented immigrants, saying that she would extend protections Obama gave
to young people who entered the nation before the age of 16 — called
DREAMers — to their parents.
“There are more people like many parents of DREAMers and others with deep
ties and contributions to our communities who deserve to stay, and I will
fight for them,” Clinton said.
But her sharpest barb was the one aimed at the Republicans running for
president in 2016, among whom, she said, there is not one person who has
been “clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship.”
“Not one,” she said.
That’s only accurate if you don’t include Republicans still mulling a run,
such as Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who continues to argue vociferously
for citizenship for a broad swath of the undocumented population. But most
of the Republican field — those who have declared and those who are
exploring a run — has shied away from promising citizenship and is focused
on the term “legal status” instead.
Some, like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush — who is not yet a formal candidate
— refuse to say the word “citizenship,” even if they’ve spoken out
extensively on behalf of immigrants. When asked by Yahoo News whether Bush’
s talk of “earned legal status” would exclude the possibility of
citizenship, Bush spokesman Tim Miller sent a block quote of Bush’s past
comments on the issue, which didn’t address the question. When pressed,
Miller said Bush was for “earned legal status.”
And then there is Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. — the most prominent Republican
to argue now and in the past for a path to citizenship. Rubio now talks of
giving undocumented immigrants who have not broken any laws the opportunity
to apply for “permanent residency” after paying a fine, verifying they can
speak English, and spending “a significant amount of time” in the country
under a “nonpermanent work visa.” But in his most recent discussion of
this matter last week in Washington, Rubio also avoided the word citizenship
, except for at the moment when he talked about past attempts at immigration
“The past experiences show us, the [19]86 bill that passed during the
Reagan years, a large percentage of the people who received that amnesty at
that time have never become citizens at all,” Rubio said during a
discussion at a National Review summit.
Last year, Rubio made a comment on an Iowa radio station that further
confused his position, which the Clinton campaign passed on as an example of
the Republican senator’s past lack of clarity on the issue.
“What do you do with millions of people in this country who are here
illegally? What do you do about it?” Rubio said on the radio show. “And I
think that the couple of things we’re not going to do — we’re not going
to award citizenship to people or give them a benefit they wouldn’t
otherwise have.”
One way to interpret this comment is that Rubio was arguing against giving
citizenship immediately to undocumented immigrants in a way that allowed
them to obtain full legal status before others who have sought to enter the
country legally and have waited for years.
When asked Tuesday evening whether Rubio’s plan would lead to citizenship,
spokesman Alex Conant said, “Under current law, permanent residence is
first step towards citizenship. We wouldn’t change that.”
Clinton praised the bipartisan group of eight senators, which included Rubio
as a member, who helped the Senate pass an immigration reform bill in the
summer of 2013, and criticized House Speaker John Boehner for not putting
the issue up for a vote in the lower chamber.
“I think it would have passed had they taken it up, but the leadership in
the House decided politically they didn’t want to do that because they have
people who are strongly opposed to comprehensive immigration reform,”
Clinton said.
And she tweaked Rubio, without mentioning his name, by noting that although
it was the right thing in her opinion for the senators who spearheaded the
Senate effort to push for immigration reform, “I guess some of them are
paying a political price for it now.”
Clinton is all too aware of the strong anti-immigration reform sentiments
among some of the most passionate elements of the Republican base, and is
eager to highlight the difference between herself and the GOP during this
phase when the Republican candidates are catering more to the conservative
grassroots of their party, which dominates in primary states, than to
general election, middle-of-the-road voters.
“You know where I stand, and there can be no question about it,” she said.
发帖数: 1774
She is a joke.

【在 S******2 的大作中提到】
: Hillary Clinton presses advantage on immigration
: Hillary Clinton talks immigration reform with 9th grade student Betsaida
: Frausto in Las Vegas. (Photo credit: Mike Blake/Reuters)
: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sought to seize an
: advantage over Republicans Tuesday on the issue of immigration, accusing
: those who talk of “legal status” of wanting to denigrate undocumented
: immigrants.
: “When they talk about legal status, that is code for second class status,”
: Clinton said at a small event in Las Vegas, where she conducted a
: conversation with six young Latino residents of Nevada.

发帖数: 778
发帖数: 120
发帖数: 902

【在 l******m 的大作中提到】
: 她家比尔下台前大赦劳模非法移民,走labor,140,485,搞得当年labor批不下来。影响
: 了好大一批人。
: 想想真是坚决不能投民主党!

发帖数: 1714

【在 x****0 的大作中提到】
: 有选票就是娘。。。
发帖数: 21328
a very big one

【在 q********c 的大作中提到】
: She is a joke.
发帖数: 1955
agreed and will not vote dems
发帖数: 810
涨保费,80-90% 进了律师和process fee。。真正用到医疗上的寥寥无几。。。最后流
1 (共1页)
申请CA驾照竟然说没有legal presence documents,急求助!!4.2billion的tax credit送给了无法工作的非法移民
Murrieta市长很给力 (转载)another film in planning
东湾Dublin地区,请教探亲老人摔了怎么看病看看非法移民是怎么拿tax refund的.
Do not hire any workder without legal paper to work来探亲的父母,没有绿卡,能申请medi-cal吗?
3/1多州初选:#BernieSanders (转载)lawmakers would introduce an immigration reform bill "very (转载)
2/20 NEVADA初选:#BernieSanders (转载)Evangelicals也支持给非法移民公民身份了 (转载)
民主党总统股市年均+11%,共和党总统股市年均+2.7%跟风说说 国人和老印职场比较。
非法移民的好日子:Dream Act快成功啦搞SCA5确实是民主党的大阴谋
话题: clinton话题: rubio话题: who话题: said