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SanFrancisco版 - 川普恭贺伊拉克收复摩苏尔∶IS已时日无多 (转载)
川普团队宣布亚太裔顾问团正式成立 (转载)LA Times专题报道mitbbs:买买提反SCA5立了大功 (转载)
明年联邦税率有个跳跃?【何美湄】欢迎参加南加州政治竞选培训课程 (转载)
特大喜讯:反外F的萌芽已经在LA生根!!!! (转载)三份加州选举大选指南,供参考
能不能请对SCA5投反对票的参院议员给指点一下孩子要手术,医疗保险选PPO 还是 Kaiser HMO
关注 最高法院 六月将对 Michigan Proposal 2 (Same as CA 209SCA 5未死!-- 关于AA民意调查的电台访谈节目(下)
真诚请教问题(关于lieu同学)gunn high 一个月内自杀了两个学生了
密歇根大捷!!!五月梁警官开庭, 4/26全美同声援, 这里谁参加?
话题: isis话题: iraqi话题: forces话题: iraqis话题: security
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: StanMarsh (ojo), 信区: USANews
标 题: 川普恭贺伊拉克收复摩苏尔∶IS已时日无多
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 11 16:01:46 2017, 美东)
White House full statement:
Today, Iraqi Security Forces, supported by the United States and the Global
Coalition, liberated the city of Mosul from its long nightmare under the
rule of ISIS. We congratulate Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the Iraqi
Security Forces, and all Iraqis for their victory over terrorists who are
the enemies of all civilized people.
We mourn the thousands of Iraqis brutally killed by ISIS and the millions of
Iraqis who suffered at the hands of ISIS. We grieve with the Iraqi people
for the loss of the heroic soldiers and Peshmerga who gave their lives to
restore life to their country, and we honor their sacrifice. We in the
United States and the Global Coalition are proud to stand with the Iraqi
Security Forces and all those who made this moment of liberation possible.
We have made tremendous progress against ISIS – more in the past 6 months
than in the years since ISIS became a major threat. The victory in Mosul, a
city where ISIS once proclaimed its so-called "caliphate," signals that its
days in Iraq and Syria are numbered. We will continue to seek the total
destruction of ISIS.
1 (共1页)
五月梁警官开庭, 4/26全美同声援, 这里谁参加?能不能请对SCA5投反对票的参院议员给指点一下
请问版上有ISI的吗?关注 最高法院 六月将对 Michigan Proposal 2 (Same as CA 209
弯曲哪里图书馆, 可以查阅 ISI Web of Knowledge?真诚请教问题(关于lieu同学)
Marvell要赔CMU1.17B ?密歇根大捷!!!
川普团队宣布亚太裔顾问团正式成立 (转载)LA Times专题报道mitbbs:买买提反SCA5立了大功 (转载)
明年联邦税率有个跳跃?【何美湄】欢迎参加南加州政治竞选培训课程 (转载)
特大喜讯:反外F的萌芽已经在LA生根!!!! (转载)三份加州选举大选指南,供参考
话题: isis话题: iraqi话题: forces话题: iraqis话题: security