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SanFrancisco版 - ICE要派人扫荡sanctuary cities (转载)
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话题: homan话题: cities话题: ice话题: sanctuary话题: tuesday
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发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: ICE要派人扫荡sanctuary cities
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 18 17:31:59 2017, 美东)
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Thomas Homan said
Tuesday that he plans on sending hundreds of agents to sanctuary cities in
the near future as part of a major crackdown on illegal immigration.
Homan told Washington Examiner on Tuesday that he plans to address "
ludicrous" sanctuary cities.
"In the America I grew up in, cities didn't shield people who violated the
law," Homan told the publication. “What I want to get is a clear
understanding from everybody, from the congressmen to the politicians to law
enforcement to those who enter the country illegally, that ICE is open for
According to the paper, Homan said he plans on sending hundreds of agents to
those cities.
"We’re going to enforce the laws on the books without apology, we’ll
continue to prioritize what we do,” Homan continued. “But it’s not OK to
violate the laws of this country anymore, you’re going to be held
1 (共1页)
Job Posting - Marketing Data Analyst74%加州人希望结束sanctuary cities (转载)
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O8下一个大项目: 全民公费 幼儿园 (转载)Unemployment Rises to 9.8% as U.S. Adds Just 39,000 Jobs(ZZ)
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加州拒绝遣返重罪偷渡客 随后他在旧金山枪杀路人鲨鱼大屠杀
Part-time Job & Paid Intern: Sales Representative (Biology Background)请教一下想装一个comcast的internet,现在最便宜的市价是多少?
Part-time Job & Paid Intern: Sales Representative (Biology Background)CONGRESSMEN>FBI>TENURE>油工>=油服>BIO
湾区哪里的BAKERY可以CUSTOM PRINT的生日蛋糕?What's the next step after the next round of protest?
话题: homan话题: cities话题: ice话题: sanctuary话题: tuesday