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SciFiction版 - Dune Messiah - 2
Dune Messiah - 3Dune Messiah - 21
Dune Messiah - 10CHILDREN OF DUNE 好看!
Dune Messiah by Frank HerbertDune by Frank Herbert
Dune Messiah - 6Dune Book 1 - 1
Dune Messiah - 13Dune Book 1 - 2
Dune Messiah - 15Dune Book 1 - 5
Dune Messiah - 17Dune Book 1 - 11
Dune Messiah - 19Dune Book 2 - 1
话题: he话题: dune话题: messiah话题: muad话题: dib
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 278
There exists no separation between gods and men: one blends
softly casual into the other.
-Proverbs of Muad'dib
Despite the murderous nature of the plot he hoped to
devise, the thoughts of Scytale, the Tleilaxu Face Dancer,
returned again and again to rueful compassion.
I shall regret causing death and misery to Muad'dib, he
told himself.
He kept this benignity carefully hidden from his fellow
conspirators. Such feelings told him, though, that he found
it easier to identify with the
1 (共1页)
Dune Book 2 - 1Dune Messiah - 13
Dune Book 2 - 2Dune Messiah - 15
Dune book 2 - 11Dune Messiah - 17
Dune book 3 - 5Dune Messiah - 19
Dune Messiah - 3Dune Messiah - 21
Dune Messiah - 10CHILDREN OF DUNE 好看!
Dune Messiah by Frank HerbertDune by Frank Herbert
Dune Messiah - 6Dune Book 1 - 1
话题: he话题: dune话题: messiah话题: muad话题: dib