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Science版 - David Politzer Wins Nobel Prize in Physi
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004Prasher没有得诺贝尔奖的原因
觉得国内的理论研究还比不过荷兰。[转载] The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004 (转载)
[转载] 2002 Nobel Prize in PhysicsRe: 请问哪里能找到Nobel获奖者的演说辞啊?
Yang and LeeMillennium Prize Problems
Re: 谁能介绍一下今年医学生理学NOBEL PRIZE winner的成就吗?Double Nobels
the Nobel Prize 2006 in Chemistry is..... (转载)Re: Double Nobels -- About Pauling's award of pea
Press Release: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006 (转载)胡不归西游记(十)预测2002年Nobel化学奖(ZZ)
Announcements of the 2007 Nobel Prizes[转载] 奧數選手成為一流數學家zz
话题: politzer话题: prize话题: david话题: nobel话题: physi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 578
Hugh David Politzer has won the 2004 Nobel Prize in physics for work
he began as a graduate student on how the elementary particles known
as quarks are bound together to form the protons and neutrons of
atomic nuclei. The announcement was made today by the Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences.
Politzer, a professor of theoretical physics at Caltech, shares the
prize with David Gross and Frank Wilczek. The key discovery
celebrated by today's prize was made in 1973, when Politzer, a
Harvard Univers
1 (共1页)
[转载] 奧數選手成為一流數學家zzRe: 谁能介绍一下今年医学生理学NOBEL PRIZE winner的成就吗?
又一个离诺贝尔奖最近的华人the Nobel Prize 2006 in Chemistry is..... (转载)
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006Press Release: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006 (转载)
德国之声:美国人包揽诺贝尔奖“内幕”Announcements of the 2007 Nobel Prizes
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004Prasher没有得诺贝尔奖的原因
觉得国内的理论研究还比不过荷兰。[转载] The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004 (转载)
[转载] 2002 Nobel Prize in PhysicsRe: 请问哪里能找到Nobel获奖者的演说辞啊?
Yang and LeeMillennium Prize Problems
话题: politzer话题: prize话题: david话题: nobel话题: physi