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Seattle版 - 给华裔选民的信2014,2016 (转载)
帅哥美女WSN+NV土豪们看过来 (转载)涨税线又要变回25万啦? (转载)
11月普选: 请未注册的华裔3分钟注册选民! (转载)The Future of the GET program
过美加边境的需要什么ID?寻求input - Senator Kuderer 愿意听我们的意见
美国国籍是小三,中国国籍是大奶,而且还是悍妇。 (转载)Java, Visual Basic, C#, Transact SQL 这几种语言自学得花多少 (转载)
Battle in SeattleBusiness Analyst with excellent Pivot table exp
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加州 叫湿工会 要boycott microsoft (转载)我绝望,找不到工作,求助无门!
话题: chinese话题: china话题: need话题: american话题: our
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发帖数: 6158
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 给华裔选民的信2014,2016 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 4 11:08:33 2014, 美东)
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 给华裔选民的信2014,2016
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 4 10:48:42 2014, 美东)
To Chinese-American voters:
What happened last year has made it sufficiently clear that We need to form
a voter bloc. The way voting bloc works, is before the primary election (
for each party), we invite the candidates to our events to post them on our
particular issues and concerns. Then We announce our endorsement for the
best candidates in each party. After the primary election, each major party
will get a candidate for each open seat, then we need to choose to endorse a
candidate for each opening seat.
Our job is to organize the turn-out of our voters and educate the voting
population about the issues that are core to our identity and our vision and
our values. We need to educate the candidates to respect our identity/
vision/values, judge the candidates on these issues (develop some metrics to
measure how close to our stand) and to vote them in or vote them out.
I created a form to ask for some voting related information and contacts:
We need to create a Chinese American voter issues survey. Choices are:
1. Publicized Apology for the infamous Chinese Exclusion Act + 20x Increase
in Immigration Quota for Chinese-Americans + Fast Track H1b Visa for
Chinese foreign students educated in America
2. Legislate Chinese-American week to celebrate Chinese-American
contribution to America
3. Chinese American candidates at every level
4. Renouncement of "Pivot to Asia" foreign policy with its anti-China
adversarial undertones. It does not say "China" but the target is clearly
China and we notice and are alarmed by its antagonist/militarist tendency
that will erode China-US trust and could embroil us into a potentially
dangerous conflict.
Imagine the Jewish people see Germany elect a neonazi Chancellor who
worships at Hitler's shrine and then see a "Pivot to Middle East" foreign
policy that calls for intensifying our cooperation with Germany, Iran, Saudi
Arabia and other Middle eastern countries. Would they stand by to idly
watch this happen? Or they will cry foul and vote against the candidate
that is associated with this extremely dangerous policy?
5. TPPP: the impact for China-US trade is not clear. The impact for US
domestic economy is not clear. Voters need better education on it. I need
better education on it. The idea that it's being developed
behind closed doors is VERY disturbing in a democracy. As
a part of the China-containment strategy, it's relevant to we Chinese-
6. Any Anti-China or other anti-Chinese racist speech.
7. Obama already are relaxing some high tech exports to China.
China has been a partner/ally/friend for so long, it's ridiculous that
there's still a lot of export restrictions in peaceful space technologies. A
lot more military and civilian cooperation need to happen
between US and China to really safeguard against an accident.
We live in a small world, we need to safe guard it. Remember
8. alliance with Taiwanese, Hongkong, Singapore and other Chinese
immigrants voters. We need to build bridges of peace and trust,
keep building it till we have that.
The voters are free to decide on their own preferred party/issues. But
they need to learn to weigh their various interests including their
ethnic identity and be educated on how the candidates stand on
issues particular to their ethnic identities. There will be conflicts,
maybe they like one candidate/party that is not endorsed by us, then
they need to figure out:
a. Hold their nose and vote according to voting bloc endorsement
b. vote their own pet candidate (perhaps knowing this candidate
might be a racist)
c. try to change the pet candidate into their dream candidate.
There are existing Chinese-American organizations like APAPA
and OCAnational (and others). We need to reach out to them and help
them organize the battleground states and locally in our own districts.
Technology savvy, ideas, votes, money, media connection, passion
and tolerance and patience. These are the foundations for equality
in a democracy. We asked for equality, we have to fight for it.
Because this letter is only allowed to be on 4 board, I need help getting as
many people as possible to see it. Please feel free to pass it around
without significant omissions. Thanks,
参考选票上四两拨千斤。 2016准备好吧!
发帖数: 18403
还加了民意调查。 谢谢LZ/LS的相助!
发帖数: 17972

【在 o**********e 的大作中提到】
: 我已经翻译了(不好,但希望词能达意):
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/CivilSociety/7533.html
: 还加了民意调查。 谢谢LZ/LS的相助!

发帖数: 2042
发帖数: 470
1 (共1页)
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过美加边境的需要什么ID?寻求input - Senator Kuderer 愿意听我们的意见
话题: chinese话题: china话题: need话题: american话题: our