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Security版 - [转载] need help on IPsec
有关socks port probe 网站被DoS攻击该怎么办???
如果要买firewall给公司用的话,应该买什么?怎样伪装IP 地址
Laptop compromiseda foolish question about RFC
what ipSec can do and can not do?[转载] 有人在linux下用过ipsec吗?
how can i make Frees/wan run on my system ?Windows2000有自带的IPsec VPN Client Software吗?
Armoring NT[转载] UDP 137... Worm?
Building Your Firewall Rulebase为什么这个版会没有斑主?
suggestion on securityunderstanding VPN
话题: ipsec话题: need话题: unix话题: host话题: firewall
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 22
【 以下文字转载自 Unix 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: screwdriver (screwdriver), 信区: Unix
标 题: need help on IPsec
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Feb 20 10:55:45 2003) WWW-POST
have a proj need to use IPsec to do Host to Host communication across the
firewall. I know this is similar to SSH, which I have a little experience,
other than that, I have no clue about, for example, how to set it up on the
two unix boxes.
UNIX A: on company intranet behind the firewall
what are the steps to make them talk through
发帖数: 3184

Actually they are not similar except using some similar cryptographic
IPsec is at network layer and you need to mangle with kernels.
SSH is at application layer and there is not much system-related issues.
IPsec has a built-in filter and network address translation modules,
you don't need another firewall if you have an IPsec implementation
installed on your host.
You may try FreeS/WAN on two Linux boxes. The documention has
a tutorial you

【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Unix 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: screwdriver (screwdriver), 信区: Unix
: 标 题: need help on IPsec
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Feb 20 10:55:45 2003) WWW-POST
: have a proj need to use IPsec to do Host to Host communication across the
: firewall. I know this is similar to SSH, which I have a little experience,
: other than that, I have no clue about, for example, how to set it up on the
: two unix boxes.
: UNIX A: on company intranet behind the firewall
: UNIX B: in DMZ

1 (共1页)
understanding VPNhow can i make Frees/wan run on my system ?
Network Security TheoryArmoring NT
关键词:raw socket, python, sec tunnel, twistedBuilding Your Firewall Rulebase
如何建立vpn服务器?suggestion on security
有关socks port probe 网站被DoS攻击该怎么办???
如果要买firewall给公司用的话,应该买什么?怎样伪装IP 地址
Laptop compromiseda foolish question about RFC
what ipSec can do and can not do?[转载] 有人在linux下用过ipsec吗?
话题: ipsec话题: need话题: unix话题: host话题: firewall