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Statistics版 - 怎么样得到logistic model中interaction 的odds ratio and 95% confidence interval
R 里面 logistic regression (glm)怎么样输出 Odds Ratio 的 confidence intervalhow to get odds ratio and its confidence interval from gee R package
a SAS question请问关于SAS做logistic reg的问题
[合集] 请教个关于odds ratio的问题有关logistic里的woe
[合集] odds ratio >999.99请教SAS proc logistic 的一个问题
请教一下sas proc logistic里contrast statement的用法questions on case-control and cross-sectional studies
a question for odds ratio estimate for logistic regression.predict from logistic model: point estimate or confidence interval?
请问:如果Odds Ratio 小于1怎么办?请教:怎么能把Logistic regression的OR转化成probablity
请问:Age 什么时候应该 ’分段', 什么时候不分呢?请问个odds ratio 和 CI的问题
话题: odds话题: logistic话题: model话题: 95%
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 71
I need to fit a logistic model. The outcome is a binary variable and the
dependent variables such as education level (5 levels) and income value (
continuous variable). If I put edu_level*income into the model, what kind of
code I can use to get the odds ration with 95% CI? The reference group
should be the lowest level of education.
Thank you very much!
发帖数: 1433
Odds ratio of what? When there's interaction term, the interpretation is not
so straight forward.


【在 S*********1 的大作中提到】
: I need to fit a logistic model. The outcome is a binary variable and the
: dependent variables such as education level (5 levels) and income value (
: continuous variable). If I put edu_level*income into the model, what kind of
: code I can use to get the odds ration with 95% CI? The reference group
: should be the lowest level of education.
: Thank you very much!

发帖数: 177
Use contrast statement to request specific contrasts


【在 S*********1 的大作中提到】
: I need to fit a logistic model. The outcome is a binary variable and the
: dependent variables such as education level (5 levels) and income value (
: continuous variable). If I put edu_level*income into the model, what kind of
: code I can use to get the odds ration with 95% CI? The reference group
: should be the lowest level of education.
: Thank you very much!

1 (共1页)
请问个odds ratio 和 CI的问题请教一下sas proc logistic里contrast statement的用法
Odds Ratio问题a question for odds ratio estimate for logistic regression.
今天和一个阿三聊segmented logistic regression请问:如果Odds Ratio 小于1怎么办?
怎么得到unadjusted odds ratio in proc logistic请问:Age 什么时候应该 ’分段', 什么时候不分呢?
R 里面 logistic regression (glm)怎么样输出 Odds Ratio 的 confidence intervalhow to get odds ratio and its confidence interval from gee R package
a SAS question请问关于SAS做logistic reg的问题
[合集] 请教个关于odds ratio的问题有关logistic里的woe
[合集] odds ratio >999.99请教SAS proc logistic 的一个问题
话题: odds话题: logistic话题: model话题: 95%