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Statistics版 - Bioinformatics Position in a Genomics Center in a University in the Southern California
Bioinformatics Position in a Genomics Center in a University in the Southern California伊利偌依大学芝加哥分校医学院招聘生物信息专业研究人员
帮人贴个上海bioinfo招聘[合集] 对于Statistician来说
大家看看罗氏的这个职位到底是做统计还是Simulation & Molding啊?[合集] 刚工作3月的新人,请教职业前景
有没有弄生统的知道 library(sma)? 怎么装不了这个library啊?samtools
如何做microarray的scatter plot图?求审稿机会,statistical genetics, biostat,NGS,bioinformatics,health/clinical/dental informatics方向
a bioinformatician/statistician position is opened at nycIs bioinformatics a good way for stat PHD?
话题: genomics话题: center话题: position话题: biology
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 27
A Genomics Center/Lab is seeking 1 qualified highly motivated bioinformatics
candidate in the field of bioinformatics, computational biology and/or
genomics. The position is open immediately upon a qualified candidate is
identified. The position requires a diverse range of expertise in data
mining, machine learning, statistics, biological database manipulation and
biology. The successful candidates must have a MS or a PhD degree or
equivalent experience in bioinformatics, computational biology,
biostatistics and genomics and will have opportunity to work on a few high
profile projects with potential high impact publications in a Genomics
Center. The candidates must have demonstrated experience with data analyses
from next-gen sequencing (NGS) data such as RNA-seq, DNA-seq, genome-seq,
ChIP-seq, DNA methylation or bisulfite sequencing and microarrays using both
supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. Hands-on experience on
various NGS pipelines, algorithms involving R package/language, Bioconductor
and Python with excellent coding ability are required. Knowledge in human
biology and molecular biology will be great plus. The applicants with a MS
in computational biology, bioinformatics, Optional Practical Training (OPT)
are encouraged to apply. If interested, please send your updated CV to:
[email protected]
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1 (共1页)
Is bioinformatics a good way for stat PHD?大家看看罗氏的这个职位到底是做统计还是Simulation & Molding啊?
Bioinformatics and Genomics intern有没有弄生统的知道 library(sma)? 怎么装不了这个library啊?
统计program的offer,求建议如何做microarray的scatter plot图?
postdoc Bioinformatics - NIHa bioinformatician/statistician position is opened at nyc
Bioinformatics Position in a Genomics Center in a University in the Southern California伊利偌依大学芝加哥分校医学院招聘生物信息专业研究人员
帮人贴个上海bioinfo招聘[合集] 对于Statistician来说
话题: genomics话题: center话题: position话题: biology