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Stock版 - GS receives large put trade
NASDAQ Cancels all orders 60% above or below market betwee纳斯达克trading halt机制
Today's intra day sell-off is almost doneANV已经破产了
Nok红利到底是多少?说说我对这连续的三个gap up的理解
cash 帐号不存在DT限制吗?大家有没有算一下今年的交易费用
Here’s Why Chinese Tech Stocks Crashed (转载)(概念问答)option day trading
Knight Capital lost 70% value due to one trading software errorSYNA, a lot was shorted,
ONVO求建议:Scotrade VS optionhouse VS TradeKing
话题: gs话题: july话题: large话题: traded话题: contracts
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5829
Posted on 05/14/10 at 3:58pm by Michael J. Zerinskas
Shares of Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) seem like they are finding support and
congesting around the $141-145 level, currently trading $142.83, off 1.31%
on the session. But one options trader is betting that that range will not
hold, however.
One large block of the July $130 puts were traded a short while ago;19,575
contracts traded for $6.25. The contracts were purchased on the offer.
The July $130 puts lead options volume in the name today with
发帖数: 3386

【在 b********y 的大作中提到】
: Posted on 05/14/10 at 3:58pm by Michael J. Zerinskas
: Shares of Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) seem like they are finding support and
: congesting around the $141-145 level, currently trading $142.83, off 1.31%
: on the session. But one options trader is betting that that range will not
: hold, however.
: One large block of the July $130 puts were traded a short while ago;19,575
: contracts traded for $6.25. The contracts were purchased on the offer.
: The July $130 puts lead options volume in the name today with

1 (共1页)
求建议:Scotrade VS optionhouse VS TradeKingHere’s Why Chinese Tech Stocks Crashed (转载)
VERY GOOD PAPER: Where is this market heading? What stocks to buy?Knight Capital lost 70% value due to one trading software error
Re: 达拉斯和休斯顿那个治安更差更堵车?? (转载)为什么不禁止高频交易
Market and QEONVO
NASDAQ Cancels all orders 60% above or below market betwee纳斯达克trading halt机制
Today's intra day sell-off is almost doneANV已经破产了
Nok红利到底是多少?说说我对这连续的三个gap up的理解
cash 帐号不存在DT限制吗?大家有没有算一下今年的交易费用
话题: gs话题: july话题: large话题: traded话题: contracts