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Stock版 - Sina Weibo Monetization
Open discussion_ Sina's valuation and Weibo MonitizationSINA盘后狂跌中 139
What happened to SINA?maybe Sina should spinoff Weibo
Open discussion_Sina Wei MonetizationSINA single-digit P/E? Why?
Deutsche Bank Raised SINA from $54 to $98Why Sina's stock price can reach $70/share?
why I think SINA is under valueSINA EPS 46c. 完了. 等于miss了.
sina 什么情况??黑博,新浪开跌了!
long SINA short WBRUMOR: BIDU to acquire SINA?
话题: weibo话题: sina话题: tencent话题: qq
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 86
Hi, folks:
As I mentioned in my previous post, Sina's Weibo is quite similar to Tencent
's QQ. For those of you who still can't see the business model and valuation
of Weibo, please read the following 3 links:
Brief introduction of Tencent's Internet Value-added Service
Monetization model prediction from seekingalpha.com
My previous post regarding Sina Weibo valuation
发帖数: 2632


【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: Hi, folks:
: As I mentioned in my previous post, Sina's Weibo is quite similar to Tencent
: 's QQ. For those of you who still can't see the business model and valuation
: of Weibo, please read the following 3 links:
: Brief introduction of Tencent's Internet Value-added Service
: http://www.tencent.com/en-us/ps/internetservice.shtml
: Monetization model prediction from seekingalpha.com
: http://seekingalpha.com/article/313210-the-importance-of-sina-c
: My previous post regarding Sina Weibo valuation
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Stock/34031329.html

发帖数: 351
What is the point?
发帖数: 2632
别管那么多。做好接盘热身运动。 这市场,买什么不是套,无所谓啦。

【在 C*******y 的大作中提到】
: What is the point?
发帖数: 86
Currently the market cap of Sina is $3.87 billion. Sina owned $0.9 billion
cash. $0.4 billion investment in CRIC and Toudou.com which just recorded a
major impairment during Q3 ER. which means the market valuation for Sina.com
and Weibo.com is just $2.6 billion.
Sina.com itself should be $2.0 billion, which means Weibo.com is valued as
less than $0.6 billion.
As I mentioned in my previous post, Tencent's IVAS is valued at $28 billion.
the difference between IVAS and Weibo is
registered user: 650 mil vs. 300 mil
active users: 55 mil vs. 25 mil.
mature business model/no.
It's your call whether you want to go long or short.

【在 r******9 的大作中提到】
: 看不懂。你直说需要俺们咋整?!
: Tencent
: valuation

发帖数: 2632
Please forgive my poor Canadian English. You just opined on the valuation of
Weibo. All looks good, very very good, and very very good, and indeedy.
However, in my very very humble opinion, Sina.com, as a portal, should be
valued at 0, if not negative. Yes, that's right, zero, nada, zilch, zippo,
and for CS majors, nil.


【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: Currently the market cap of Sina is $3.87 billion. Sina owned $0.9 billion
: cash. $0.4 billion investment in CRIC and Toudou.com which just recorded a
: major impairment during Q3 ER. which means the market valuation for Sina.com
: and Weibo.com is just $2.6 billion.
: Sina.com itself should be $2.0 billion, which means Weibo.com is valued as
: less than $0.6 billion.
: As I mentioned in my previous post, Tencent's IVAS is valued at $28 billion.
: the difference between IVAS and Weibo is
: registered user: 650 mil vs. 300 mil
: active users: 55 mil vs. 25 mil.

发帖数: 86
Don't quite understand why you say Sina.com should be valued as Nil. it
generate $140 mil operating cash flow annual.
If you are not happy with Sina's management, then it's a totally different
发帖数: 2137
active users doesn't mean revenue. user behavior is completely different.
nobody on weibo would pay for an account number, the thing is for 3rd/4th
tier cities.


【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: Currently the market cap of Sina is $3.87 billion. Sina owned $0.9 billion
: cash. $0.4 billion investment in CRIC and Toudou.com which just recorded a
: major impairment during Q3 ER. which means the market valuation for Sina.com
: and Weibo.com is just $2.6 billion.
: Sina.com itself should be $2.0 billion, which means Weibo.com is valued as
: less than $0.6 billion.
: As I mentioned in my previous post, Tencent's IVAS is valued at $28 billion.
: the difference between IVAS and Weibo is
: registered user: 650 mil vs. 300 mil
: active users: 55 mil vs. 25 mil.

发帖数: 2632

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: Don't quite understand why you say Sina.com should be valued as Nil. it
: generate $140 mil operating cash flow annual.
: If you are not happy with Sina's management, then it's a totally different
: story.

发帖数: 2137
Sina weibo's business model is now socialized web portal, which cannibalized
the original web 1.0 portal, thanks to accountant Cao. I don't see any growth
in this stock.
why I think SINA is under valueSINA盘后狂跌中 139
sina 什么情况??maybe Sina should spinoff Weibo
long SINA short WBSINA single-digit P/E? Why?
发帖数: 2299
发帖数: 227
发帖数: 610
其实我看新浪》百度,not now!


【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: Hi, folks:
: As I mentioned in my previous post, Sina's Weibo is quite similar to Tencent
: 's QQ. For those of you who still can't see the business model and valuation
: of Weibo, please read the following 3 links:
: Brief introduction of Tencent's Internet Value-added Service
: http://www.tencent.com/en-us/ps/internetservice.shtml
: Monetization model prediction from seekingalpha.com
: http://seekingalpha.com/article/313210-the-importance-of-sina-c
: My previous post regarding Sina Weibo valuation
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Stock/34031329.html

发帖数: 2299
发帖数: 3417
It's all about the advertising dollars. They won't ask you to pay for an
account, ever, OK? Google didn't ask you pay for an account. Baidu
didn't. Tencent didn't (Well for one time it used to be that you can sell a QQ
acount, but that was on second market). It is shocking at this age people still don't understand how most internet companies work.
It is true that Weibo still didn't figure out what is the efficient way for it to sell ad space, but if they do, online and mobile ads is still a market with huge potential. I think because they have a stable revenue stream from the portal, they are waiting for Twitter to experiment with promoted tweets, etc., and they will follow if Twitter finds out the best way. One thing for sure is they won't ask you to pay for an account. Rest assured.

【在 f**********r 的大作中提到】
: active users doesn't mean revenue. user behavior is completely different.
: nobody on weibo would pay for an account number, the thing is for 3rd/4th
: tier cities.
: com
: billion.

发帖数: 1378
QQ帐号分不同级别的。。 最普通的不要钱,什么黄钻,白钻, 星星级,太阳级是要钱
的。。我当然不会买, 但是很多人买的。

a QQ
still don't understand how most internet companies work.
for it to sell ad space, but if they do, online and mobile ads is still a
market with huge potential. I think because they have a stable revenue
stream from the portal, they are waiting for Twitter to experiment with
promoted tweets, etc., and they will follow if Twitter finds out the best
way. One thing for sure is they won't ask you to pay for an account. Rest

【在 P**********c 的大作中提到】
: It's all about the advertising dollars. They won't ask you to pay for an
: account, ever, OK? Google didn't ask you pay for an account. Baidu
: didn't. Tencent didn't (Well for one time it used to be that you can sell a QQ
: acount, but that was on second market). It is shocking at this age people still don't understand how most internet companies work.
: It is true that Weibo still didn't figure out what is the efficient way for it to sell ad space, but if they do, online and mobile ads is still a market with huge potential. I think because they have a stable revenue stream from the portal, they are waiting for Twitter to experiment with promoted tweets, etc., and they will follow if Twitter finds out the best way. One thing for sure is they won't ask you to pay for an account. Rest assured.

发帖数: 7521
It has political threat what Weibo.com would be closed at CCP's will. So don
't overestimate it.


【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: Hi, folks:
: As I mentioned in my previous post, Sina's Weibo is quite similar to Tencent
: 's QQ. For those of you who still can't see the business model and valuation
: of Weibo, please read the following 3 links:
: Brief introduction of Tencent's Internet Value-added Service
: http://www.tencent.com/en-us/ps/internetservice.shtml
: Monetization model prediction from seekingalpha.com
: http://seekingalpha.com/article/313210-the-importance-of-sina-c
: My previous post regarding Sina Weibo valuation
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Stock/34031329.html

发帖数: 14294
Let me guess. Shares held: zero.

a QQ
still don't understand how most internet companies work.
for it to sell ad space, but if they do, online and mobile ads is still a
market with huge potential. I think because they have a stable revenue
stream from the portal, they are waiting for Twitter to experiment with
promoted tweets, etc., and they will follow if Twitter finds out the best
way. One thing for sure is they won't ask you to pay for an account. Rest

【在 P**********c 的大作中提到】
: It's all about the advertising dollars. They won't ask you to pay for an
: account, ever, OK? Google didn't ask you pay for an account. Baidu
: didn't. Tencent didn't (Well for one time it used to be that you can sell a QQ
: acount, but that was on second market). It is shocking at this age people still don't understand how most internet companies work.
: It is true that Weibo still didn't figure out what is the efficient way for it to sell ad space, but if they do, online and mobile ads is still a market with huge potential. I think because they have a stable revenue stream from the portal, they are waiting for Twitter to experiment with promoted tweets, etc., and they will follow if Twitter finds out the best way. One thing for sure is they won't ask you to pay for an account. Rest assured.

1 (共1页)
RUMOR: BIDU to acquire SINA?天天交易不如长期持有一个好股票.
看衰FBwhy I think SINA is under value
高盛分析师预测腾讯sina 什么情况??
Renren真逗,还没上市就开始报大数long SINA short WB
Open discussion_ Sina's valuation and Weibo MonitizationSINA盘后狂跌中 139
What happened to SINA?maybe Sina should spinoff Weibo
Open discussion_Sina Wei MonetizationSINA single-digit P/E? Why?
Deutsche Bank Raised SINA from $54 to $98Why Sina's stock price can reach $70/share?
话题: weibo话题: sina话题: tencent话题: qq