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Stock版 - znga的担心
你们知道为什么 znga 飞了吗传Zynga上市前强迫部分早期员工返还股票 (转载)
Earnings Preview: Zynga seen posting higher 1st-quarter results as public companyZynga Seek $1B in Biggest Web IPO
刚买了10手 12月的ZNGA strike at 4Zynga 太唯利是图了
ZNGA这波不知能到多少?Zynga Acquires OMGPOP
ZNGA要补10.5~11间的缺口$14.45 ZNGA @$#%%??
Zynga's troubling free fallZNGA是不是还没有跌够?
Zynga And CBS Are Working To Bring Draw Something To Primetime TVZynga Prices Secondary Offering At $12
真正的好股是ZNGAznga 亏废了.....
话题: zynga话题: draw话题: omgpop话题: something话题: its
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12883
Zynga Is Locked and Loaded -- but It Shouldn't Be
I did it. I gave in. I went and bought a copy of OMGPOP's
popular Pictionary knockoff Draw Something. I could have d
ownloaded the free ad-supported version, but I was in a fe
isty mood so splurged with the $0.99 pay version (you get
2,000 extra words!).The scene of the crime
My wife and I were at a friend's house, and the Draw Somet
hing bug had clearly bitten every single one of our amigos
, and considering its social elements it quickly spread to
us like a contagion. This was weeks ago, and the game pro
vided me well over a buck's worth of entertainment. Except
now ... I'm getting bored with it.
It's a fun little game, but ultimately can it really withs
tand the test of time, as our collective attention spans c
ontinuously shrink, for better or worse. How long can the
game really bump elbows with the likes of Angry Birds and
its fowl offspring?anImage
I have to wonder whether Draw Something will be little mor
e than a passing fad, as it begins to fade from my own con
sciousness. That's a key question that Zynga (Nasdaq: ZNGA
) needs to be asking itself right now, especially since
$200 million is quite a price tag for to buy a developer t
hat's mainly proved to be little more than a one-hit wonde
r so far. (Zynga tried to buy Rovio, too, by the way.)
I'd wager that few people out there could even name OMGPOP
's other mobile titles (Hint: There are two others). Given
up? That's because Puppy World and Boom Friends aren't pa
rticularly exciting, interesting, or innovative -- not tha
t Draw Something is reinventing any wheels any time soon.
A baby elephant gun
Zynga has effectively paid $200 million for a single title
and the small team of OMGPOP's developers (excluding this
one). The top spots in Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL ) iOS App S
tore are definitely valuable, but Zynga won't be able to a
fford every title that climbs its way up, despite how badl
y it wants to expand into the mobile-gaming front with pla
tforms like iOS.
Apparently, Zynga thinks it can be done, as CEO Mark Pincu
s and merger exec Barry Cottle recently told Bloomberg tha
t it's still on the hunt for more acquisitions, and the $1
.8 billion in cash and investments on the books are ready
and waiting to be deployed to such ends.
The social gamer has picked up 22 separate companies over
the past two years, and Pincus is looking to do several mo
re acquisitions that are about the size of the OMGPOP deal
in the coming years. Remember when I called Zynga's curre
nt acquisition strategy unsustainable "in terms of both do
llars and integration," because of its dubious corporate e
thics and cutthroat internal culture? At least six of the
startups that Zynga has acquired have seen their founders
jump ship.
Zynga was able to poach Cottle from gaming giant Electroni
c Arts (Nasdaq: EA ) with a juicy pay package. The gaming
stalwart had outbid Zynga for PopCap Games last year, mak
er of Plants Vs. Zombies and Bejeweled.
Draw Something is estimated to be bringing in $250,000 per
day in revenue. That means it would take 800 days, or mor
e than two years, to break even with the acquisition price
on sales. Keep in mind that's revenue, not profit. That a
lso assumes that OMGPOP's other games aren't contributing
too much (a mostly fair assumption), and that Draw Somethi
ng can keep its top spot and maintain its revenue-generati
on rate for such an extended period of time -- not likely
on a platform as competitive as iOS.
A rhetorical question
Zynga is effectively extending a standing offer to acquire
any developer that makes it up the charts, either by luck
or by skill, which is not sustainable. That brings up the
age-old question: Would you rather be lucky or good? Don'
t bother answering that, because Zynga will still acquire
you regardless.
At the end of last year, before the OMGPOP acquisition, th
e company had about $123.9 million in goodwill and intangi
bles on its balance sheet -- less than 5% of total assets.
As it continues its acquisitive streak and grows its good
will and intangibles, it also increases the risk of eating
impairments down the road if some of these acquisitions p
rove not to be worth the hefty prices. This is particularl
y true as it pursues acquisitions of dubious value, like t
he OMGPOP deal.
Sorry, Zynga, but you overpaid for Draw Something. It woul
d have been cheaper to just copy it.
发帖数: 12883
wiki也写得挺清楚的, znga过去一年内买了很多公司, ceo最近说
持币待购更多的start ups.
这个东西本身具有重大风险。 成功的话一统天下, 失败的话耗光现金。
现在的移动游戏, 基本上是几个人组个团队就可以开始开发,
有创新idea的小组每天都在涌现, 要一统天下有一定难度。

【在 s******t 的大作中提到】
: 这个文章写得有点道理。
: Zynga Is Locked and Loaded -- but It Shouldn't Be
: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/04/17/zynga-is-locke
: I did it. I gave in. I went and bought a copy of OMGPOP's
: popular Pictionary knockoff Draw Something. I could have d
: ownloaded the free ad-supported version, but I was in a fe
: isty mood so splurged with the $0.99 pay version (you get
: 2,000 extra words!).The scene of the crime
: My wife and I were at a friend's house, and the Draw Somet
: hing bug had clearly bitten every single one of our amigos

发帖数: 1573
你觉得这会是有人在故意操作吗? ZNGA的 Institute Own. 只有14% 就是1千4百万股
在这上面亏费了要 虽然还咬牙坚持
发帖数: 12883
听说MS是大庄。 ipo以后还增持了两千多万股。 但是当市场上传出MS增持的
风声之后, znga越发收人追捧。 我觉得在这几轮拉高出货过程中, MS
已经甩光了它的货。 乱猜的。

【在 l**********o 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢这个转帖,你觉得这次下跌主要是因为这种恐慌导致散户跑路么?
: 你觉得这会是有人在故意操作吗? ZNGA的 Institute Own. 只有14% 就是1千4百万股
: 不知道谁是大庄
: 在这上面亏费了要 虽然还咬牙坚持

发帖数: 1573

哦 这样 好的 多谢

【在 s******t 的大作中提到】
: 听说MS是大庄。 ipo以后还增持了两千多万股。 但是当市场上传出MS增持的
: 风声之后, znga越发收人追捧。 我觉得在这几轮拉高出货过程中, MS
: 已经甩光了它的货。 乱猜的。
: 股

发帖数: 12113

【在 s******t 的大作中提到】
: wiki也写得挺清楚的, znga过去一年内买了很多公司, ceo最近说
: 持币待购更多的start ups.
: 这个东西本身具有重大风险。 成功的话一统天下, 失败的话耗光现金。
: 现在的移动游戏, 基本上是几个人组个团队就可以开始开发,
: 有创新idea的小组每天都在涌现, 要一统天下有一定难度。

发帖数: 2503
这样基本属于胡搞,手里有几个钱就瞎买。draw sth肯定是买贵了,2亿买个游戏,赔
发帖数: 12883
facebook最近的十亿美元购买的start up, 也是买贵了。

【在 l********i 的大作中提到】
: 这样基本属于胡搞,手里有几个钱就瞎买。draw sth肯定是买贵了,2亿买个游戏,赔
: 本买卖。
: 从管理层这种做法,加上最近的二次发售股票看,管理层属于垃圾类,非常不看好公司
: 前景。

发帖数: 2503
GS 和MS是庄吧,他们两家股票最多,最近的二次售股应该也买了不少,加上用option

【在 s******t 的大作中提到】
: 听说MS是大庄。 ipo以后还增持了两千多万股。 但是当市场上传出MS增持的
: 风声之后, znga越发收人追捧。 我觉得在这几轮拉高出货过程中, MS
: 已经甩光了它的货。 乱猜的。
: 股

发帖数: 1573


【在 l********i 的大作中提到】
: GS 和MS是庄吧,他们两家股票最多,最近的二次售股应该也买了不少,加上用option
: 买的,手里应该有不少,均价应该不低于12元,这样猛砸是要干啥?

发帖数: 439
造成恐慌 散户割肉 猜的

GS 和MS是庄吧,他们两家股票最多,最近的二次售股应该也买了不少,加上用option
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs 7.51 - iPad Lite

【在 l********i 的大作中提到】
: GS 和MS是庄吧,他们两家股票最多,最近的二次售股应该也买了不少,加上用option
: 买的,手里应该有不少,均价应该不低于12元,这样猛砸是要干啥?

1 (共1页)
znga 亏废了.....ZNGA要补10.5~11间的缺口
znga insider 抛售 大家捞底小心Zynga's troubling free fall
Zynga insider activity is all sellingZynga And CBS Are Working To Bring Draw Something To Primetime TV
你们知道为什么 znga 飞了吗传Zynga上市前强迫部分早期员工返还股票 (转载)
Earnings Preview: Zynga seen posting higher 1st-quarter results as public companyZynga Seek $1B in Biggest Web IPO
刚买了10手 12月的ZNGA strike at 4Zynga 太唯利是图了
ZNGA这波不知能到多少?Zynga Acquires OMGPOP
话题: zynga话题: draw话题: omgpop话题: something话题: its