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Stock版 - DOW will try first touch on 17000 this week
can DOW hit 11000 this week?DOW might be touch 9000 this year
BP WILL HIT 30 THIS WEEK, DOW 8400all new high
关于initial claims和dow 指数的关系Dow touches new 2010 high
DOW will climb to 11,000 for short term high in couple of weeksDOW 11818 is important
明显的最后疯狂,明天盖铺荡!Add apple weekly put for next week
DOW will hit 13500 this week研究表明,在女人touch的情况下炒股可能让你血本无归
DOW need to hit 14700 this week关键是,如果明天反弹了,你杂拌?
DOW to shoot new high by the end of next week老亥 2007年11月12 日 到 16 日 北美 Dow 大盘 分析 预测 (转载)
话题: dow话题: 17000
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6411
big deal man, big deal.
1 (共1页)
老亥 2007年11月12 日 到 16 日 北美 Dow 大盘 分析 预测 (转载)明显的最后疯狂,明天盖铺荡!
周四早上的逃命贴是怎么喊出来的DOW will hit 13500 this week
一个PMDOW need to hit 14700 this week
Dow graphDOW to shoot new high by the end of next week
can DOW hit 11000 this week?DOW might be touch 9000 this year
BP WILL HIT 30 THIS WEEK, DOW 8400all new high
关于initial claims和dow 指数的关系Dow touches new 2010 high
DOW will climb to 11,000 for short term high in couple of weeksDOW 11818 is important
话题: dow话题: 17000