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Stock版 - 分享一篇水文 90% of Fortune 500 Equities Have Vaporized
beat the index有化工的吗? 问题求解
JCP 是SP500 成分?what the fuxk...mortgage is over 8% 10 years ago? even now 4.15% is much higher than Canada
今年YTD收益都多少啊?Bernanke said
退休金要不要从money market转到股市上现在?被大家忽略的最隐性和阴险狠毒的放射性种族灭绝战。 (转载)
baidu: google 'Makes me sick' (转载)12亿美元就这么"飞了“?!
BP再一次承认低估了漏油量 (转载)DEAL! 50万收入回到克林顿税率
Ireland may kill the bears totally in this weekend!【转载】Greenspan: No irrational exuberance, stocks undervalued
学习帖,大家为什么都等着大盘跌?一样也不能少:Debt Limit;Greece;EM Currency Crisis
话题: apple话题: fortune话题: them话题: hold话题: roze
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1691
为什么多数人长期都输给 Hold SPY? 因为SP500的成分一直在更新 机构在帮你选股
转自stockcharts.com Gatis Roze 特别提到了Apple 我还是看好Apple的产品 但是
Can You Believe 90% of Fortune 500 Equities Have Vaporized?
August 14, 2015 at 03:00 PM | written by Gatis Roze
Be careful where you sit. I shared a table at Starbucks last week with two
investors who became very animated and energized when I disclosed that I was
a full-time stock investor. What a coincidence, they said, so were they.
They retired in 2004 and bought large positions in the hot names of the day
back then, stocks like Cisco and Yahoo. They proudly told me that they were
buy-and-hold investors.
I asked them how that had worked out for them over the past eleven years.
There was a long pause and then, well, they admitted it hadn’t turned out
so well. Don’t get me wrong here. I seldom meet folks who are interested
in the markets and that I don’t like. I actually warmed up to these two
gentlemen and I wanted to help them out. I even bought another round of
coffee (as I explained there was no free lunch in the stock market) and made
sure they were well caffeinated before getting into my sermon.
I accused them of doing what you might call “amnesia investing”. That’s
my synonym for their buy-and-hold methodology. I pointed out that they
erroneously imagined the stock market to be more like their grandmother
babysitting their precious equities. I noted that just days earlier the
Seattle Times had reported that only ten percent of the companies that
appeared on the original Fortune 500 list in 1955 still exist on the list
today. I was brutally honest here (not the first time for me) and accused
them of wanting to believe a beautiful lie instead of the actual truth.
I suggested that the market can indeed be their friend, but they would be
better served to think of the stock market as an officer with a badge and a
gun whose requests need to be taken seriously and acted upon in a timely
manner My mantra has always been that if the market gives you a healthy
profit, you need to lock it in. Yes, I got out of Netflix and Coach too
early, and I’ll concede that every strategy has its weaknesses. But then,
Mr. Buy-and-Hold Investor, don’t tout Apple proudly as your example. Most
investors were scared out of their Apple positions when it dropped 58% in
2008-2009 and then again in 2012 when it dropped 45%. I did concede that if
they wanted to chat about asset allocation and index investing, they could
make a much stronger case.
I then gave them a soft sell about my upcoming Asset Allocation seminar on
October 17th and reminded them to wear their sunscreen. They promised to
buy me the coffee next time!
Trade well; trade with discipline!
-- Gatis Roze
1 (共1页)
一样也不能少:Debt Limit;Greece;EM Currency Crisisbaidu: google 'Makes me sick' (转载)
谁来解释一下FB暴跌的原因BP再一次承认低估了漏油量 (转载)
FB cc到底说了啥Ireland may kill the bears totally in this weekend!
beat the index有化工的吗? 问题求解
JCP 是SP500 成分?what the fuxk...mortgage is over 8% 10 years ago? even now 4.15% is much higher than Canada
今年YTD收益都多少啊?Bernanke said
退休金要不要从money market转到股市上现在?被大家忽略的最隐性和阴险狠毒的放射性种族灭绝战。 (转载)
话题: apple话题: fortune话题: them话题: hold话题: roze