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Stock版 - It is naive to think Chinese QE will achieve the same effect as U.S. QE
国内房价太疯狂了,一个月涨几十万的One thing to remember about positive money flow (accumulation)
通涨还是通缩? 是个问题...伯南克:不排除加息
ZT: Should You Trust Your Instincts on Gold?为什么foreigner 仍然买长期国债?
中国真发生经济危机的话还是挺可怕的Everyone should short treasury (zz)
赤字上升到底会有什么后果呢Pathetic bond auction last week (zz)
After a Rating Downgrade, U.S. Treasuries Turn a ProfitPimco's Biggest Fund Dumps US Treasury Bond Holdings
话题: qe话题: chinese话题: japanese话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16928
The dollar is the reserve currency and a safety net. The U.S. government can
therefore print money without too much dire consequences such as huge
depreciation. Why? Because QE for U.S. means U.S. economy is in trouble and
thus the world economy is in trouble. People will then rush to buy US
treasuries, lessening the impact on the depreciation caused by extra dollar.
If China prints more money and still supports rmb, the foreign exchange
reserve will be depleted real soon because when China is in trouble, people
think about getting money out of the country. Eventually Chinese currency
has to undergo huge depreciation, followed by lower economic growth and bad
debt accumulating on banks' books. The best scenario is like Japan, also the
2nd largest economy then. The Japanese yen is forced to appreciate,
followed by depreciation, stock market crash, deflation and the lost decade
despite Japanese use of QE. The worst case will be Zimbabwe where we see
hyperinflation and social unrest. We could be experiencing a much more
serious migrant crisis than the Syria one we see now in this scenario.
1 (共1页)
Pimco's Biggest Fund Dumps US Treasury Bond Holdings赤字上升到底会有什么后果呢
The Fed saidAfter a Rating Downgrade, U.S. Treasuries Turn a Profit
国内房价太疯狂了,一个月涨几十万的One thing to remember about positive money flow (accumulation)
通涨还是通缩? 是个问题...伯南克:不排除加息
ZT: Should You Trust Your Instincts on Gold?为什么foreigner 仍然买长期国债?
中国真发生经济危机的话还是挺可怕的Everyone should short treasury (zz)
话题: qe话题: chinese话题: japanese话题: china