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Stock版 - 股版三个热门抄底股都被MM攻击了
Top 10 stocks members of Congress own-2014为啥搞石油的工资这么高,我算了一下
Oh, boy, Rep of Texas is coming!下周大盘会跌,原因如下
T & Time Warner deal 法官怎么判?明天低开100点,跌250点
AT&T 1Q Profit Tops Street as iPhone Sales Slow现在是搏傻阶段还是什么阶段?
Buy XOM now? who knows房市快速振兴我看只有一条路。
Chevron ExxonMobile ER截止了【包子贴】:请您推荐一只20年不会倒闭的公司股票
话题: billion话题: profits话题: shorts话题: exxonmobil话题: dow
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9872
Topping the list of winners for those who bet on falling stocks, according
to S3 Partners data cited by the ValueWalk blog
is oil giant ExxonMobil (XOM), which has delivered mark-to-market profits of
$1.7 billion so far this year for short sellers. Rising crude inventories
and dropping oil prices have been a gift to short-sellers, as the stock has
lost more than half its value so far this year. It didn't help that
ExxonMobil lost its status as a Dow component https://www.marketwatch.com/
Next up, AT&T (T), the telecom company which has been bogged down with a
hefty debt load, job cuts, asset sales and disappointing numbers for its pay
TV platforms. Music to the shorts' ears, as they've enjoyed mark-to-market
profits of more than $1.5 billion.
Rounding out the list of the top five best shorts in 2020 are Wells Fargo (
WFC) and Simon Property Group (SPG) , both delivering more than $1.3 billion
in profits for shorts, and Raytheon (RTX) , which has resulted in a $1.2-
billion win.
Meanwhile, the bears enjoyed a steep selloff to start the week. At last
check, Tuesday's trading session saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average ,
Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 hold mostly steady after the dismal showing on
发帖数: 9872
Topping the list of winners for those who bet on falling stocks, according
to S3 Partners data cited by the ValueWalk blog
is oil giant ExxonMobil (XOM), which has delivered mark-to-market profits of
$1.7 billion so far this year for short sellers. Rising crude inventories
and dropping oil prices have been a gift to short-sellers, as the stock has
lost more than half its value so far this year. It didn't help that
ExxonMobil lost its status as a Dow component https://www.marketwatch.com/
Next up, AT&T (T), the telecom company which has been bogged down with a
hefty debt load, job cuts, asset sales and disappointing numbers for its pay
TV platforms. Music to the shorts' ears, as they've enjoyed mark-to-market
profits of more than $1.5 billion.
Rounding out the list of the top five best shorts in 2020 are Wells Fargo (
WFC) and Simon Property Group (SPG) , both delivering more than $1.3 billion
in profits for shorts, and Raytheon (RTX) , which has resulted in a $1.2-
billion win.
Meanwhile, the bears enjoyed a steep selloff to start the week. At last
check, Tuesday's trading session saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average ,
Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 hold mostly steady after the dismal showing on
发帖数: 9872
1 (共1页)
现在买bidu和baba还不迟AT&T 1Q Profit Tops Street as iPhone Sales Slow
2016大湿推荐四大股票Buy XOM now? who knows
重新画了图,大盘离到顶还早Chevron ExxonMobile ER
Top 10 stocks members of Congress own-2014为啥搞石油的工资这么高,我算了一下
Oh, boy, Rep of Texas is coming!下周大盘会跌,原因如下
T & Time Warner deal 法官怎么判?明天低开100点,跌250点
话题: billion话题: profits话题: shorts话题: exxonmobil话题: dow