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TAX版 - dependent care account?
dependent care FSA 放多了怎么办请教:child tax credit
Child and Dependent Care Expense问题请教包子:Child and Dependent Care Expenses (FSA没用完)
请问关于Dependent Care FSA和 Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expensesdependent care benefits (转载)
child care费用抵税是不是必须父母都工作才行?Dependent Care Spending Account
dependent FSA和child care credit (form 2441) 的问题FSA(dependent care)里的钱怎么省税?
关于dependent care credit可以最多claim多少钱的问题问个税的问题,关于dependent care FSA (转载)
求助:关于Child care求教 dependent care benefits
新手child care FSA的疑问Child care 中的 qualifying person
话题: care话题: dependent话题: account话题: expenses话题: credit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 76
I have a question about the dependent care account. We will send our 2-year
old to day care in June 2009, and the total expenses will exceed the limit (
5000). But the guide for benefits enrollment from my employer is saying that
this may conflict with the federal income tax credit provided for dependent
care expenses. Can someone with similar experience share? Our household
income is around 180k.
发帖数: 880
8. Is it more beneficial for me to participate in the Flexible Spending
Account Dependent Care Reimbursement plan or to take the Child Care Credit
on my Federal Income Tax return?
You may receive a tax break on your expenses, but you must choose whether to
use the Child Care Credit or the FSA. The IRS will not allow you to receive
two tax breaks on the same expenses.
You may claim a Child Care Credit on your tax return equal to your
1 (共1页)
Child care 中的 qualifying persondependent FSA和child care credit (form 2441) 的问题
请babysitter 免税 (转载)关于dependent care credit可以最多claim多少钱的问题
请教Flexible Spending Account的问题求助:关于Child care
请问用了5000的FSA,是不是再不能claim 那600的credit for child care expenses?新手child care FSA的疑问
dependent care FSA 放多了怎么办请教:child tax credit
Child and Dependent Care Expense问题请教包子:Child and Dependent Care Expenses (FSA没用完)
请问关于Dependent Care FSA和 Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expensesdependent care benefits (转载)
child care费用抵税是不是必须父母都工作才行?Dependent Care Spending Account
话题: care话题: dependent话题: account话题: expenses话题: credit