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TVGame版 - Arrested last year on Digital Millennium Copyright Act viol
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话题: copyright话题: millennium话题: digital话题: arrested话题: act
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发帖数: 19309
Accused Xbox 360 modder finds case pleasantly dismissed
By Ross Miller posted Dec 2nd 2010 9:11PM
The case of 28-year old CSU student Matthew Crippen has come and gone.
Arrested last year on Digital Millennium Copyright Act violations --
specifically, for modding Xbox 360s to enable them to play pirated games
-- federal prosecutor Allen Chiu announced on the third day of trial
that the government was dropping its case against him "based on fairness
and justice." It's not a complete surprise: according to Wired, on
the previous day (Wednesday), an undercover agent testifying against
Crippen claimed the defendant used a pirated game to test a modded
console in his presence. That detail, required for the prosecution's
case (the use of pirated software), was never mentioned in any of the
previous reports or sworn declarations, so once the judge dismissed it
as evidence, the case against Crippen hit a snag. Source link's got
the full, very interesting tale, but if you're patient, there's always a
chance one of the Law and Orders will pick up the story in the years to
1 (共1页)
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Re: 在线等:NTSC的PS2机器不能兼容NTSC日版游戏?xbox clone法换大硬盘
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话题: copyright话题: millennium话题: digital话题: arrested话题: act